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  1. riffraff

    Filter Question

    evening.. oops nurglespuss i sorta misread your original reply and ordered the aps one :blush: anyway i`m on nights this week, and was today awoken by the ups man hammering on the door, the filter had arrived (free next day delivery) got up signed for it , dumped it in hallway and back to bed...
  2. riffraff

    Nightlights + Uv Filters Advice And Opinions

    My link thems the ones :good: riffraff
  3. riffraff

    Moving Home

    hmm what about, putting the fish in an argos plastic box first, 40ltr one i got, with a heater and airstone maybe even a cheapo internal filter as its short term, then get as much water saved as possible in jerry cans or similar. move the tank, set it up with as much old water as possible, get...
  4. riffraff

    Filter Question

    #28### :S too late oh well never mind, i`ll report back when all up and running riffraff
  5. riffraff

    Nightlights + Uv Filters Advice And Opinions

    hi Samuran i have some leds in the tank mine can be dimmed up and down as well, the nocturnal fish seem to ignore it and you get the bonus of seeing them go about there buisness, not in a brightly lit tank of course but its very cool. quite a few people are anti leds but i`m pretty sure they...
  6. riffraff

    Filter Question

    thanks nurglespuss. just woken up and checked the replies, looks like your the only one :unsure: so thats the winner lol cheers riffraff
  7. riffraff

    Filter Question

    morning all. so i was wondering what`s the minimum size filter i could buy? i have a 330 litre tank running an xp3, but i want to run another filter alongside it, worried about over stocking after rescuing a few fish at the weekend,(4 rainbow kribs and a bn ) i dont want to have to get anything...
  8. riffraff

    Videos Of Your Tank

    loving some of these vids, thought id stick mine on the video thread although its already on another thread lol My link i wish i could get crystal clear water though :blink: cheers riffraff
  9. riffraff

    How Much & How Often...............

    hello AbbeysDad can you name names please, you could pm if you done want to put it here. i have 7 different foods, and frozen, and get live and put fresh veg in :crazy: not all at once of course, i feed mine all different times, sometimes twice a day sometimes once and sometimes skip a day...
  10. riffraff

    Changed My Tank A Bit (Pic Heavy)

    thanks again for all your kind comments :good: and so finally i`ll stop with the pics here and leave you with a video ive just slung together. camera phone shaking like a goodun lol cheers again everyone riffraff My link
  11. riffraff

    Changed My Tank A Bit (Pic Heavy)

    got the last of the plants in now, moved some about, again not grown enough yet, but ive gone from this, how it looked on eblag, to this since the 1st december im quite chuffed :good:
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  14. riffraff

    What Is This Creature In My Tank?

    well ive been bored after the dentist and decided to try some new shots anyway, just realised this living in my tank, by day it seems quite sedate head down, then at night it seems to move its head up and raise its wings :blink: any ideas what it could be?? cheers riffraff
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  17. riffraff

    How To Get African Dwarf Frog To Eat More?

    1 gallon? blimey that seems tiny , anyway mine go mad for live bloodworm they readily eat tetra prima,small granule stuff) but love the bloodworm cheers riffraff
  18. riffraff

    Anyone Want To Rant? About Anything? I Do.

    i have a rant, its 5.35am ive been up all night with toothache,a tooth cracked in half last night :-( i`m climbing the walls here, my god toothache is bloody agony and im waiting for the dentist to open, i`ll be outside and the second the door opens i`m in. god i hate toothache riffraff
  19. riffraff

    The Worst Thing You Ever Saw In Your Lfs

    evening all, anyway i dont really mean the worst thing you saw regarding fish as such, but today i went to the lfs and it was packed, about 40-50 people milling about, anyway there was this one family of erm , well. chav types :blink: with a little brat screaming her head off to be lifted up...
  20. riffraff

    Name Me The Song.

    i like a challenge :shifty: anyhoo i reckon this is the song, a year to late maybe but there you go! this even charted :hyper:
  21. riffraff

    Booooo Rubbish Boooo

    blimey this was only a humorous post sorry if anyone was offended yes i know i`m very lucky to be in work etc etc . i hate 2 - 10 shifts with a passion, i do 3 rolling shifts, 6 -2, 2 - 10 and 10 - 6 of those i hate 2 -10 the very mostest :crazy: anyway good luck to all looking for work...
  22. riffraff

    Booooo Rubbish Boooo

    oh well i suppose it had to happen , wasnt looking forward to it, but i knew it was coming all along and today it finally has, i`m a bit peed off, and a little sad but, i suppose if i dont do it, no fish, no fish tank, no plants, not even any fish food :no: :no: yes its back to work day...
  23. riffraff

    Changed My Tank A Bit (Pic Heavy)

    cheers Shovelman.. the fish seem to love it to be honest, and the thing is its sooo much better than the pics i can dim the lights right down as well and its very subtle, thought it would be nice for them rather than total darkness and you see the dark shapes of the fish and plants moving...
  24. riffraff

    Whats The Best Joke You Have Heard?

    this woman walks into a bar and asks for a double entendre so the barman gives her one
  25. riffraff

    Changed My Tank A Bit (Pic Heavy)

    its a nightmare trying to take pics of the tank with leds :shout: anyway ive given it a go, just use your imagination a little here the glare at the bottom is not there in the flesh and the lights are a bit more subtle, its a 3 foot length of leds with a remote so i can have greens, reds...
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  29. riffraff

    fishys in my tank..guppies..angels..neons..glassfish.. bleeding heart..khuli tail...

    fishys in my tank..guppies..angels..neons..glassfish.. bleeding heart..khuli tail shark.. von rio flame tetras..dwarf guoramis..siamise algea eaters
  30. riffraff

    crystal clear water

    crystal clear water
  31. riffraff

    Changed My Tank A Bit (Pic Heavy)

    thanks for that westwood, hmm need to sort that lead out and the moss ball and the gravely moss next to it first lol but thanks for the encouragment riffraff to the right a bit
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  33. riffraff

    Changed My Tank A Bit (Pic Heavy)

    to the left as there all a bit samey :unsure:
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  36. riffraff

    Changed My Tank A Bit (Pic Heavy)

    evening everyone hope you are all well this new year, so for christmas i got a few fishy related bits, tripod for my camera new lens for my camera an air curtain couple of fish and some underwater leds i thought i would do a bit of a revamp, got rid of the gravel and bought some jbl manado...
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  39. riffraff

    Hello And A

    hello newbie type here, just like to say iv`e finished work now :hyper: :hyper: so a HAPPY CHRISTMAS to you all and i hope you get lots of fishy presents on sunday. have a nice one everyone. riffraff