How To Get African Dwarf Frog To Eat More?

Flame Heart

Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2011
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My mom is really concered about one of our African Dwarf Frogs, (yes, I know the difference between them and clawed ones) because recently she has not been eating. Any suggestions on how to help her? She is in about a 1 gallon rectangle tank.
1 gallon? blimey that seems tiny , anyway mine go mad for live bloodworm
they readily eat tetra prima,small granule stuff) but love the bloodworm

Ya, I know its small. We have about a 2 gallon fishbowl that I really want to move her to, (it also just looks nicer) do you think that would help her? I know we would have to get some kind of cover so she doesn't jump out. Also, my mom thinks it may be because we have no heater, should we move her to the other tank and get a small bubbler/heater for her? We are feeding her frozen bloodworms, but she doesn't eat much and is thin.
A fish bowl is not appropriate for these frogs.

You need a minimum 2.5 gallons for 1 frog - rectangular is best because they need the floor space. They also need a lid, filter, and heater. Lid - because they are known escape artists. A filter because they live in the water and are sensitive to it's conditions just like fish. Heater because they need 75-78*F STABLE temperature.
Food - if in the USA HBH frog and tadpole bites, if in the UK Zoomed Frog and tadpole bites. Young frogs (under 1.5" in body) should eat about 2-3 pellets daily. Adults about 4-5 pellets every other day.
I get all of your points above, so would it be better to transfer her to the 10 gallon tank? If it would be okay with that amount, and the other ADF in the bigger tank is most probably a male, but would they breed much, and if they did would the tadpoles be eaten?
You can add her to the 10 gallon - she would be in heaven. for a 10 gallon you can have up to 6 ADF. Make sure all new frogs are quarantined 30 days before you put them with your current one.
If they breed, you can simply just remove the eggs and throw them away. They will eat a good deal of the eggs, and any that hatch won't make it to frog hood as 1) the parents will eat them 2) ADF tadpoles are not filter feeders and need live food to feed off of. 3) the filter would suck some up and kill them.
Okay, my mom is starting to get her to eat more by feeding her with tweezers, but I will suggest moving her. We have had her for quite a while, but we do have some medicine for new fish so should we put that in the tank for 2-3 days? So, the fish that I have in my 10 gallon currently (in my signature) will be okay with another ADF? My mom is mostly going for the idea of only having to clean one tank. We also have a really cute turtle decoration (with the female ADF), we could remove the driftwood in the 10 gallon and replace it with that? (we have a snail problem and snails love our driftwood)
Okay, my mom is starting to get her to eat more by feeding her with tweezers, but I will suggest moving her. We have had her for quite a while, but we do have some medicine for new fish so should we put that in the tank for 2-3 days? So, the fish that I have in my 10 gallon currently (in my signature) will be okay with another ADF? My mom is mostly going for the idea of only having to clean one tank. We also have a really cute turtle decoration (with the female ADF), we could remove the driftwood in the 10 gallon and replace it with that? (we have a snail problem and snails love our driftwood)

Why would you put medicine in the tank? also, these aren't fish so you have to be cautious about what medicines you put into the tank.

ADF are best kept in species only tank due to their skittishness and their struggle to find food.
I know, with our other ADF we used it (Melafix) when we got new fish, and it seemed fine. We moved her today, (now I am pretty sure both are females so no tadpoles, yay) its pretty hard to tell them apart, but they seem to be doing fine. A few minutes after we put her in the other snapped at her, but all seems well now.

I really want to re-home the danio and move to sand, (for the corys and frogs) but my mom doesn't seem to be listening. *sighs*
I know, with our other ADF we used it (Melafix) when we got new fish, and it seemed fine. We moved her today, (now I am pretty sure both are females so no tadpoles, yay) its pretty hard to tell them apart, but they seem to be doing fine. A few minutes after we put her in the other snapped at her, but all seems well now.

I really want to re-home the danio and move to sand, (for the corys and frogs) but my mom doesn't seem to be listening. *sighs*

I am just trying to figure out why you used Melafix - - as a "just in case" ? I really advise against dosing a tank needlessly instead of doing a quarantine. It can take weeks for symptoms for develop and you can be treating while disease is still dormant and they are merely carriers.

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