Changed My Tank A Bit (Pic Heavy)


Fish Fanatic
Dec 20, 2011
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evening everyone hope you are all well this new year,
so for christmas i got a few fishy related bits,
tripod for my camera
new lens for my camera
an air curtain
couple of fish
and some underwater leds

i thought i would do a bit of a revamp, got rid of the gravel and bought
some jbl manado substrate, i loved the look of this stuff, complete empty
of tank got rid of the large piece of slate, and started all over again :crazy:

anyway heres the newer version not excactly totm standard but i like it, will try
and get some led shots later (got these for a little moon/mood lighting)
need to get another plant to cover the white electric wire for this though

cheers riffraff

more pics


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Wow good work mate!
I think its definitely Totm Standard! :good:

to the left as there all a bit samey :unsure:


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Wow good work mate!
I think its definitely Totm Standard!


thanks for that westwood,

hmm need to sort that lead out and the moss ball and the gravely moss next to it
first lol but thanks for the encouragment


to the right a bit


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its a nightmare trying to take pics of the tank with leds :shout:

anyway ive given it a go, just use your imagination a little here
the glare at the bottom is not there in the flesh and the lights are
a bit more subtle, its a 3 foot length of leds with a remote so i can
have greens, reds, white and blues, i really only use the white ones
and the green as it looks fantastic imho..

anyway here goes




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its a nightmare trying to take pics of the tank with leds :shout:

anyway ive given it a go, just use your imagination a little here
the glare at the bottom is not there in the flesh and the lights are
a bit more subtle, its a 3 foot length of leds with a remote so i can
have greens, reds, white and blues, i really only use the white ones
and the green as it looks fantastic imho..

anyway here goes



Usually i dont like flashy decorations or silly led light strips, but i really have to hand it to you, i love your layout, and the placement of your led's! Looks like some sort of heavenly light erupting from the ground! Do your fish seem to mind the light at night or whenever you have it on?
Usually i dont like flashy decorations or silly led light strips, but i really have to hand it to you, i love your layout, and the placement of your led's! Looks like some sort of heavenly light erupting from the ground! Do your fish seem to mind the light at night or whenever you have it on?

cheers Shovelman..

the fish seem to love it to be honest, and the thing is its sooo much better than the pics
i can dim the lights right down as well and its very subtle, thought it would be nice for
them rather than total darkness and you see the dark shapes of the fish and plants moving
about is very nice.
i think i will try and video it at some point and see if that looks better :nod:

Wow great job on your tank! It looks amazing. :D
Looks great, really like the effect of the LED's too
got the last of the plants in now, moved some about, again not grown enough yet, but ive gone from this, how it
looked on eblag, to this since the 1st december im quite chuffed :good:


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thanks again for all your kind comments :good:

and so finally i`ll stop with the pics here and leave you with a video ive just slung

camera phone shaking like a goodun lol

cheers again everyone


My link
I love the shape of your tank! But then again, I love the odd shape ones. You have done a great job on it. Looks great!!
just a little update to cheer myself up, also its cool to have a little record of it and share so people can see just how much things grow and fill out.



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