Moving Home


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Kingswinford (West Midlands)

I am asking this question as I may be moving house at some point in the near future, I have a large tank (400l) 4x2x2, I need to know the best way to transfer all the fish etc whilst moving the tank to the new house. My idea was to move the tank over to the new house so I can get it running up to speed and temp etc, I have no other tanks to use, so hows best to store the fish for transfer, I have 1x severum, 1x dennison barb, 5x congo tetra 2x chinese algae eaters, and 1x golden barb. Any help on this would be great.

hmm what about,
putting the fish in an argos plastic box first, 40ltr one i got, with a heater and airstone maybe even a cheapo internal filter as its short term, then get as much water saved as possible in jerry cans or similar. move the tank, set it up with as much old water as possible, get it all running, then bag the fish, move them and plastic container, back in there if needs be till tank sorted then back in large tank?

just a newbie offering probably totally wrong lol


ps. i spose it would also depend on how far youre moving away?
If your not moving far, I know people move fish in 5 gallon buckets. Put them in buckets, break down the tank, move it, set it up, put fish in!
Depending on how far the move is.

I am also moving this weekend and my plan is:

1) Remove plants, wood ect.
2) Catch and bag all the fish and placed in a insulated dark box
3) drain down and keep as much water as possible.
4) Keep the water INSIDE the filter so it doesn't Dry out.
5) Remove as much as my sand as possible and then ship it off to the new place.
6) Place the sand and wood
7) Place the saved water and fill the tank 3/4 full and get up to temp with the filter running(after de chlorinating)
8) Place the fish in the water for 30-45 minutes to stabilise temps.
9) Replace the plants the day after.

BUT the house I'm moving to is only 10 minutes up the road.
Also I wont be feeding the fish 36 hours before moving to reduce ammonia whilst in transport.
Thanks for the help guys, moving wise no more than a mile or 2, looking for a slightly bigger house, I think the big plastic box looks like a plan, will look at a cheapo filter just for the move, will let you know what I end up doing when I do move :)

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