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  1. Ben.M

    The Moon Last Night

    I was bored last night so I lookied out the window and saw that it was a full moon against a cloudy background and i am facinated by astronomy so I had to get some pics, set the tripod upon the decking and got some fantastic pics, here they are, I was so please with the last one :D...
  2. Ben.M

    Guppies - How Soon Would I Be Overstocked

    Inbreeding isnt a problem for the forst 2 generations but when it hits the third then you may start to see problems
  3. Ben.M

    ! ! ! Livebearer's Club ! ! !

    Can i be No.11 then :D
  4. Ben.M

    Pregnant Guppy Journal

    When my guppies had their fry it was always at night so i never got to see the signs that they were gonna do it so im just guessing 5 days due to the size, she is looking pretty big :D
  5. Ben.M

    Pregnant Guppy Journal

    I would say 5 days but helterskelter and Oldman are more experienced with livebearers than me :D
  6. Ben.M

    My First Day At The Lfs

    Glad you had a good first day m8, good luck with the job in the long term :D Ben.M
  7. Ben.M

    Pregnant Guppy Journal

    Yes you definatly need to get the nitrAte down by doing water changes, you dont want it any higher than 40ppm so the lower the better, ph is fine and so is the temperature. One thing i will say is please please dont keep 3 male guppies with one female she will get constantly harrassed causing a...
  8. Ben.M

    First Time Fry

    Yep it is quite normal, most livebearers eat their own fry, if you want to keep them then you will have to separate them from the adults.
  9. Ben.M

    Newbie Needs Help With Tank

    Contrary to some comments, it is not a given that all of your fish are going to die. Some of us have kept fish perfectly well without any filtration in bare tanks, this works fine but the work required is greatly increased. What i meant was that it is unlikly for the fish to survive if you have...
  10. Ben.M

    Newbie Needs Help With Tank

    If the tank isnt cycled im suprised there are any fish still alive!!! I'm guessing that your ammonia levels will be sky high that is why the fish are so close to the top, ammonia and nitrite are toxic to fish as it gets dissolved in to their blood and stops them from getting enogh oxygen so they...
  11. Ben.M

    Cure For Ich....

    Its worth a go though, thanks for this :D
  12. Ben.M

    Latest Fish!

    Love the tank, it looks brilliant and will look even better once the plants have grown a bit. My fav would be the second guppy due to the unusual tail :D
  13. Ben.M

    Cant Pm

    I can pm now, maybe it has something to do with how long you have been a member
  14. Ben.M

    Got A Job At My Lfs!

    Congrats m8, good luck on tuesday :D , i wouldnt mind a job at my lfs but im only 15 so a few months yet
  15. Ben.M

    Cant Pm

    Nope, just checked and I still get a board message
  16. Ben.M

    Cant Pm

    How many do u need because i cant any either???
  17. Ben.M

    Whats Better Black Or White Sand

    I'd go for the play sand, it has a more natural colour
  18. Ben.M

    Putting Salt In A Fish Tank

    Never been that into mollies :blink: Ok then, thanks for your replys, i wont bother with the salt then, Ben.M :D
  19. Ben.M

    Putting Salt In A Fish Tank

    The main fish that i keep are guppies and i've read that they benefit from a little bit of salt added to their water, it also has anti-bacterial properties too but will this affect the snails in the tank??? as i know land snails and salt do not mix!, thanks, Ben.M :D
  20. Ben.M

    Guppie Fry Temps

    Yep :D
  21. Ben.M

    Guppie Fry Temps

    It is possible for a female to give birth to a few fry at one time them give birth to the rest at another time, they dont all have to come at the same time, Ben.M
  22. Ben.M


    Yes you definatly should, if you have fish in it while cycling then i would do it daily but if your doing a fishless cycle then do it every few days, Ben.M
  23. Ben.M


    Ordered one :D
  24. Ben.M


    Sounds good to me then :D
  25. Ben.M


    Is it accurate and does it keep its temperature steady???
  26. Ben.M


    Do you have a specific make and/or model in mind??? I've looked at loads of them but dont know which ones are best
  27. Ben.M


    Hi, in a few weeks im off on holidayand so a friend will be looking after my fish but the heater hasnt been the most reliable thing in the world so I need to get a replacement/spare so that there a no problems while im away, i need a safe, reliable and accurate 25w heater which isnt to pricey...
  28. Ben.M

    Help, Id Of Eggs

    I would agree with the Corys, snail eggs are smaller and normaly less scattered about than that
  29. Ben.M

    Number Of Things For Sale

    Emailed you CT :D
  30. Ben.M

    Any Idea When My Guppy Will Drop? Pic Attached

    Yes she is pregnant but i dont no how long shes got till she gives birth
  31. Ben.M

    Number Of Things For Sale

    Is the 25w heater fully submersible???
  32. Ben.M

    My Molly Gave Birth And Died :-( I Havent Got A Clue What To Do Now

    I personally would suggest Elodea, its a very common plant but its got to be one of the easiest to look after, google it as you've probably seen it before. I've got 3 bunches of them in my guppy tank quite close together as at the moment i cant get a fry tank so to keep as many alive as possible...
  33. Ben.M

    My Molly Gave Birth And Died :-( I Havent Got A Clue What To Do Now

    Sorry to hear about your molly Nicola but congrats on the babies. I'm afraid there isnt much you can do as it sounds like the mum died due to the stress of giving birth(she was probably harassed by the others) and there would have been more fry than that so the other fish have already eaten a...
  34. Ben.M

    Fin Rot!

    Strange, i woke up this morning and checked her and most of it has gone from her eyes, and theres less on her mouth and tail! Could this be due to the stress of moving and will it go by its self as i dont really want to medicines/chemicals in the tank unless needed, thanks, Ben.M
  35. Ben.M

    Fin Rot!

    Hi, got 2 new guppies today for my guppy tank, all looked fine at the shop and while i was looking tonight i can see a white film over a females eyes and mouth and some along the bottom of her tail, im guessing this is finrot :angry: . How do I treat this and how contagious is this to my other...
  36. Ben.M

    3 Gallon Aquarium Tips

    Moss balls would take up too much space, i always think Elodea looks quite nice especialy under a light :D