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Duck and Dive

Fish Herder
Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
England, South East

I have decided to get rid of two of my old guppy tanks and treat myself with a new tank Juwel Rio 180. The tank is now about 3 weeks old and I have filled the top half of my filter with mature media out of the first as now it has no fish in it. I am still yet to add my babies from my biOrb.

Here is a shot of the tank:


Here are my favorite 2 guppies:



My swordtails:




A couple of platies ( female is a very deep red ):


My male bristlenose (longfin albino):


And female:


And last but not least 1 of my corys from my breeding group, there are 9 in total.


Hoped you liked them :)

Comments are welcome!

I couldn't get any decent pics of the females as they were too quick lol.

Oh and which of my guppies do you prefer 1st or 2nd?

Thanks. :good:
Love the tank, it looks brilliant and will look even better once the plants have grown a bit. My fav would be the second guppy due to the unusual tail :D
I think I prefer the first guppy to the other. Unlike Tropic John, I don't see any endler in them and I breed endlers so I do know what they look like.
He is my favorite as well I think, I like the body pattern and the tail shape and colouration, better than the 2nd. And I have to agree with Oldman as I see no endler in either of them as well.

Thanks Ben! :good: Im just waiting for the vallis and giant vallis to grow a bit so it covers the back a bit more. And mabe get a carpetig plants uch as some elentinodes (watch spelling on that).

I only have 4 guppies in there at the mo and 20 fry in a breeding trap, and I need to move m 8 other guppies from my biOrb and go pester my LFS for some good ones.
OMG!!! Tank = :drool:.
So you're going to stock with almost all guppies then? I prefer the second one personally, I'm not keen on greatly enlarged tails on guppies. I think they look too... man-made.
What happened to that veiltail swordtail? Some of those would look stunning in there if she ever had fry.
OMG!!! Tank = :drool:.
So you're going to stock with almost all guppies then? I prefer the second one personally, I'm not keen on greatly enlarged tails on guppies. I think they look too... man-made.
What happened to that veiltail swordtail? Some of those would look stunning in there if she ever had fry.

Erm, the swordtail died a few weeks back...

She had been feeding like crazy! Looked fine but I came home one day and she was dead... I was completly shocked and very sad. I don't know why it happened, she didn't give birth either. :sad: :(

Well I am going to see if I can get myself some other decent swords, high fin platys and lots of others.
I will be searching!

Thanks for the comments on the tank, it will look better when the plants have grown a bit more, ill put up new pics in a week as i am fertilising the plants as well.

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