Putting Salt In A Fish Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2009
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The main fish that i keep are guppies and i've read that they benefit from a little bit of salt added to their water, it also has anti-bacterial properties too but will this affect the snails in the tank??? as i know land snails and salt do not mix!,


Ben.M :D
Most people dont bother with salt in their tanks, the costs out weigh the benefits in most cases and i dont think it would be a good idea with snails but i'm not certain you would also have to check out what else was in your tank before adding it.
Yeah, basically salt is a total waste of time. It could affect the snails, but it would depend on the species.
basically you shouldnt bother its a waste of time and money aswell
if u were to go for mollies it would be a different answer

hold the salt.... and pepper lol

Never been that into mollies :blink:
Ok then, thanks for your replys, i wont bother with the salt then,

Ben.M :D
Whether you have mollies or guppies the salt answer is simple. Salt is fine for french fries but has no place in my aquarium.

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