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  1. D

    Service Contract

    Hi Please advise were i should post the following question, Am looking to start a new buissnes were i will supplie buissness with a tropical fish equarium thats the easy part. i would like any insight available from anyone as to how you charge for a maintenace contract ie: regular water...
  2. D

    Thank You

    Hi Hope its ok to post this hear it seemed the most appropriate place Just wanted to post a Big thank you to every one who has helped me over the past couple of months In setting up and running my tropical fish tank I have found the information received from this forum not only insightful but...
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    Ammonia Spike

    The tank has been running for about 5 months now am using API liquid test kits Nitrate is around 10 Nitrite 0 Ph is 7.00 which has dropped from 7.6 Filter is Fluval 125 external and have just done water change again Have spoken to a pet store in my area not to sure on advice given by them...
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    Ammonia Spike

    Hi i looking for a little help again Ammonia levels in my tank have risen to .25--.50 This i what i have done to try and reduce Large water change removed any dying leaves from plants did a head count of fish did find a dead pleco removed from tank but the ammonia seems to keep creeping...
  5. D

    And Now Platy Fry...

    I Think we will have to start calling you Mother on the fishes Congrats again
  6. D

    Planted Tank

    No unfortunatly i was not advised to remove the led weight and i really hope your not serious about the plants that i have not being aquatic plants as i have searched high and low to get what i have and getting more is going to be a real problem so i guess i am back to my origanal question...
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    Planted Tank

    Cheers the tank recieves plenty of day light weel as long its light outside in relation to the lights do you mean 2 by 60-80 watt lights or 2 30-40watt lights ive added some pics of the plants i am unable to name at the moment and as you will see pic 1 4 & 5 are not looking the best and today...
  8. D

    Planted Tank

    Tried to google the plants that i have to get names but no luck i am afraid Tank size is 125 litres lights are 2 20 watt powerglo which came as standard with the tank 1 is Water milfoil 1 Cryptocoryne Grass can get pics later if required Cheers
  9. D

    Whats Up With My Platty (With Pictures)

    Morning hope your Platy is showing signs of getting better Its sounds very similar to what 1 of starting doing keep an eye for swelling and if his scales start to pine cone this is what happened to mine unfortunatly it was dropsy fingers crossed that not your problem it could also be the...
  10. D

    Planted Tank

    Ive just googled Diana's Walstad's and they show some pics of her tanks they are really impressive i would like to say mine is similer but i would be lying terrible ive been providing the tank with plenty of light think i have been changing to much water to regurly its trying to find that...
  11. D

    Planted Tank

    ok so i am obviously doing somthing wrong then as they seem to be decomposing from the base i am planting them deep into the substriat to make sure they are geting the nutriants should i be doing somthing differant I am thinking that maybe its me not knowing enough about the plants i am bying...
  12. D

    Pectoral Fin

    Thanks for that will do as i would of just put it down to a one of scenerio Congrats on the new fry
  13. D

    Planted Tank

    Hi All i have a Natural planted tank with compleat substrait as a base was thinking of changing to fake plants as to be honest i seem to be replacing plants every couple of weeks and i dont like upsetting the tank is it normal to have to replace plants so often also is it much of a job to...
  14. D

    Pectoral Fin

    Sad News i did seperated her from the rest unfortunatly there must of been an underlying issue she passed on me Thanks for your help
  15. D

    Pectoral Fin

    ok ill do that straight away
  16. D

    Pectoral Fin

    Cheers its 125 litre tank stats are all normal checked them straight away in the tank 1 bulldog pleco 2 Threadfin Rainbow 1 swordtail 4 guppies 6 platy and a few fry which i have not been able to isolate yet have not seen any other fish nipping at her she herself looks fine no holes or...
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    How Do I Log Out?

    Found it cheers
  18. D

    4Th Guppy Just Dropped...

    Congrats more fry how many in total does that give you now
  19. D

    Upgrade Glitches

    And i can think of no better way to spend my sunday
  20. D

    How Do I Log Out?

    I am looking every were and i still cant find the log out option Please Help must look like i am obsessed with the forum ive been hear all day
  21. D

    Welcome To Our Newest Mod, Oldman47!

    Well done Well deserved and just a quick thank you for all help previously given Congrats OldMan47
  22. D

    Upgrade Glitches

    i also cant log out any help
  23. D

    Pectoral Fin

    Hi sorry if posting this is the wrong place I am looking for a little help I have noticed this morning that 1 of my Platys left pectoral fin is damaged and she is struggling to swim and compete for food is there anthing i can do Cheers
  24. D

    Looking For A Small Plec For Comunity Tank

    Have you had a look at the bulldog pleco does not grow anymore than 8cm and are generally a social species none aggressive
  25. D

    The Beginning Of Something New (with Pictures)

    Nice looking tank best of luck with it In relation to the filter i have the exact same tank and the fluval 105 would be more that sufficant as an external filter system
  26. D

    Fry Tank

    Thanks very much for replies they are only young fry week old and the tank was fully cycled used some media from my existing filter just to speed things up a little, just wanted to make sure i was not doing anything wrong Cheers
  27. D

    Fry Tank

    Hi I have set up a fry tank its cycled and water stats are all good But i got to thinking the purpose of cyling is to build up bacteria to help break the fish waste unless i am wrong which is possible, now the fry dont seem to generate a huge ammount of waste and i am changing 50% of the water...
  28. D

    Platy Fry

    Hi would just firstly like to thank all who have help me over the last couple of weeks am sure i have been a bit of a pain to some My Platy finally dropped she had a total of 38 fry how cool is that 1 still unfortunatly now just have to figure out what to do with them one final question...
  29. D

    Pregnant Platy Help

    Was think of doing that but was worried that trying to put her back in the net again at a later stage would generate even more stress and how do i prevent the male from hassling her Sorry for all the questions
  30. D

    Pregnant Platy Help

    Hi one of my Platy is pregnant i reckon she is 4 or possibly 5 weeks i seperated her from her tank mates 2 days ago as one of my males was really starting to hassle her she is in a breeding net and has just started to act really strangely, swimming backwards while almost being on her side...
  31. D


    Oh The picture are of all 4 fish
  32. D


    Thanks for the speedy response Its amazing that you can get to the point were you could almost set your watch to the cycle and assuming when you say the gravid spot extending you mean away from the body have added a couple some pictures just trying to give myself every possible chance of...
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    Hi Sorry looking for some more help recently got five guppies four females and a male and all the females appear to be pregnant thats not a huge concern, but i am trying to determin how fare along they are, so hear is what i think i know closer to birth the they become less social the black...
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    Hi Just wondering did you get this issue with your Guppies resolved as i have just introduced Guppies to my tank and they are doing the same all water checked, like your own are fine Cheers
  35. D

    Preganant Platy

    Thanks for that Oldman To be fair she does not look overly big its the manner in which she is acting that got me confused i did find three fry but have no idea which fish had them
  36. D

    Preganant Platy

    Hi A little bit of experianced Help Please The last time i posted a picture of one of my platys (picture below)t o find out she was preganant That was 26/09/09 Now we are the 05/10/09 and she looks like this (picture below) everything i read is saying she ready to drop hanging around the...
  37. D

    Fish Foods

    Thanks very much went onto ebay and have found numerous suppliers a mind field to be honest so am i looking for anything in particular or will any thing with Brine Shrimp Eggs do and would five euro be a good price for a 20g back including postage Cheers
  38. D

    Internal Filter Which Is The Best

    I have the fluval 105 on an 125 litre tank all though i do believe its best to go for the next one up if your tank exceeds this size
  39. D

    Fish Foods

    Hi Really dont no if anyone can help me on this i am based in Co Clare Ireland and have been having real trouble getting my hands Bloodworm Food Brine Shrimp Food etc Is there a good online store that i can use or on the slim chance anyone my might know of anywere i can get some in Co clare...
  40. D

    Black Moor

    Hi friends of mine recently bought themself a black moor They have a 200 litre tank with 5 small pleco 5 goldfish and the Black Moor Artifical plants external filter and oxygen pump The Black Moor seems to be getting a lot of small white spots but only around the mouth of the fish is...