Pectoral Fin

Dave T

Fish Fanatic
Sep 19, 2009
Reaction score
Co Clare Ireland
Hi sorry if posting this is the wrong place
I am looking for a little help
I have noticed this morning that 1 of my Platys left pectoral fin is damaged
and she is struggling to swim and compete for food is there anthing i can do

How many gallons is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Has any fish been nipping her fins.

Any red, pink, or white edging to fins.
Do fins look translucent or cloudy.
Are fins falling apart.
Any red streaking in fins.
Any holes in fins.

I would issolate her. Not a good sign that she struggling to swim.
How many gallons is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Has any fish been nipping her fins.

Any red, pink, or white edging to fins.
Do fins look translucent or cloudy.
Are fins falling apart.
Any red streaking in fins.
Any holes in fins.

I would issolate her. Not a good sign that she struggling to swim.
its 125 litre tank stats are all normal checked them straight away
in the tank
1 bulldog pleco
2 Threadfin Rainbow
1 swordtail
4 guppies
6 platy
and a few fry which i have not been able to isolate yet
have not seen any other fish nipping at her
she herself looks fine no holes or streaking or anything else
if i could give a dicription i would say it looks torn lenght ways
Livebearers can nip.
If no signs of bacterial finrot I would just try some water changes.
She really needs issolating if she finding it hard to balance.
Even if its just a breeding box at the top of the tank.
Livebearers can nip.
If no signs of bacterial finrot I would just try some water changes.
She really needs issolating if she finding it hard to balance.
Even if its just a breeding box at the top of the tank.

ok ill do that straight away
Livebearers can nip.
If no signs of bacterial finrot I would just try some water changes.
She really needs issolating if she finding it hard to balance.
Even if its just a breeding box at the top of the tank.

Sad News
i did seperated her from the rest
unfortunatly there must of been an underlying issue she passed on me

Thanks for your help
if i were you, i would keep an eye on the others, checking they dot develop these syptoms, or she could have just been bullied to death, ive had that with many fish, some gory stories.....

on the brighter side, good luck with the fry, i currently have about 30 3day old molly fry
if i were you, i would keep an eye on the others, checking they dot develop these syptoms, or she could have just been bullied to death, ive had that with many fish, some gory stories.....

on the brighter side, good luck with the fry, i currently have about 30 3day old molly fry
Thanks for that will do as i would of just put it down to a one of scenerio
Congrats on the new fry

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