
Dave T

Fish Fanatic
Sep 19, 2009
Reaction score
Co Clare Ireland
Sorry looking for some more help recently got five guppies four females and a male
and all the females appear to be pregnant thats not a huge concern,
but i am trying to determin how fare along they are,
so hear is what i think i know closer to birth the they become less social the black gravid spot is really dark
and they almost become square like,

My own fish not overly social at the moment the gravid spot is really dark but they dont look very big
ive seen some pictures and the belly alone looks bigger than my fish

I have done a lot of reading on this and i feel a little clue less is there any way of telling how far along they are
or is wait and see and try and determin the next time round

There is heaps of info floating aroud about how to tell, but honestly nothing will tell you better than your own experience. After you have seen it a few times you will be able to pick up on how far along your ladies are very easily. If it helps any, I find the gravid spot sort of extends out very shortly before birth, but by then it is probably too late to trap her.

Also, if your guppies are virgins I find that the first 1 or two batches are pretty small anyways (you can expect as little as 2 on the first batch, maybe 8 or so on the second) so they make good 'rehearsals'. When in doubt, you can always quarantine the mom too so that all the others don't go for her babies.

Just an afterthought, I find that when kept at constant temperatures guppies and endlers are like clockwork: my endler momma literally has babies every fourth monday (21 days apart). I have it as a recurring appointment on my outlook so I remember to hatch some brine shrimp lol!
Thanks for the speedy response
Its amazing that you can get to the point were you could almost set your watch to the cycle
and assuming when you say the gravid spot extending you mean away from the body
have added a couple some pictures just trying to give myself every possible chance of catching as many fry as possible




Thanks for the speedy response
Its amazing that you can get to the point were you could almost set your watch to the cycle
and assuming when you say the gravid spot extending you mean away from the body
have added a couple some pictures just trying to give myself every possible chance of catching as many fry as possible
Ohhh yeah she's almost ready to drop. Just wait for her to square off a little more like oldman's picture and then it will be about a day after that.

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