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  1. T

    Just Bought A Pair Of Swordtails..

    One of them has the pointed long fin, the other does not. Is that okay?
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    Is My Bristlenose Catfish Doing Ok?

    He is okay! I just went downstairs and he is stuck on the front of the glass. And he wiggles over a little each time.
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    Is My Bristlenose Catfish Doing Ok?

    Thanks for your replies. I was just hoping to see him stuck on the glass, which I enjoy watching. Instead, he is now in the cave. But again, he appears healthy and does move around a bit. Its just funny because the cute cories will swim on top of him and it doesn't seem to bother him.
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    Just Bought A Pair Of Swordtails..

    I just bought a pair of sword tails. I have 6 buenos aries tetras. Initially the one with the long anal fin was being chased a bit, but it looks harmless. How does everyone like the swordtails? We got them because they add a lot of color to the tank, but the fish species forum on this fish says...
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    Is My Bristlenose Catfish Doing Ok?

    anyone?? I just dropped an algea wafer right on his nose and he didnt care, or even moved. He was real active in the lfs. or maybe he isn't hungry?
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    Stocking Idea Needed....

    I hear hatchet fish are suseptible to disease. They look interesting, and I like that they swim at the top. Do they not eat all the food during feeding time when you have top swimmers? I like harlequin rasboras. The ones at the store are rather small, and Im concerned they may become lunch for...
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    Stocking Idea Needed....

    Any other ideas? What else can I add? How many more fish could I add?
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    Is My Bristlenose Catfish Doing Ok?

    I just purchased a bushynose catfish the other day from a LFS. The catfish was active in the tank at the store, and sucking on algae. For the last two days, the catfish doesn't move much, doesnt seem to actively eat algae. I even dropped a wafer right next to it, and it didnt show much interest...
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    Stocking Idea Needed....

    I think shoaling fish are always nice. I was thinking of harelquin rasboras, actually. The tetras I have are relatively a good size right now, but not fully grown, and I was concerned about adding fish that might be too small and end up eaten. Most of course sold at fish stores are...
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    Stocking Idea Needed....

    After much deliberation, I just got rid of all 11 tiger barbs. I did not like their semi-aggressive behavior, and the fact that they ate everything. I don't think my cories got their share, and even among the larger buenos aries tetras, they would be take food. I just was not happy with their...
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    Amano Shrimp Tankmates

    do you know what kind of fish can I put with the buenos aries tetras? mine right now are at least half fully grown, so they arent small like most fish you find at the store when they are juvenilles.
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    Bushynose (bristle) Catfish And Driftwood

    I would like to get the bushynoise catfish soon. Do they really need driftwood? Its darn expensive the driftwood. I know they need supplemntal diet like algae wafers, but Im not sure of the driftwood requirement. Thanks
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    Re-stocking Idea, What Do You Think?

    I have thought about the rainbow off and on, but some people tell me when they get fully grown they become quite aggressive. I dont want them to do anything to my cute cories.
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    Re-stocking Idea, What Do You Think?

    nevermind on the tiger barb queastion! Im searching the forums for answeres about what goes well with tiger barbs (although some of the info contradicts). If I still am unsure, I'll post my question.
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    Amano Shrimp Tankmates

    Hey I have 6 buenos aries tetras myself! Mines are at least 2.5 inches, rather large when i bought them. How do you like yours? I have them with tiger barbs, which are so damn aggressive, they eat all the food!
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    Re-stocking Idea, What Do You Think?

    I have 11 tiger barbs, 6 buenos aries tetras, and 6 cory cats. The tiger bars are so damn aggressiv when it comes to feeding, that the larger tetras don't always get their share. The tiger barbs just seem more greedy, and, they outnumber the other fish. I am thinking of removing some of the...
  17. T

    Cycle Is Complete...please Help With Fish Selection

    Well, three of the tetras are definitely 2.5" inches, almost full growth. The other three are not, probably 2". the 11 tiger barbs will grow, say 2.5". And then 6 cory cats, which will be maybe 2.5", too. Maybe I am getting close?
  18. T

    Mechanial Filter Replacement Monthly, Or No?

    Well and the concern I had was I didnt want the mechanical filter so clogged that it started to put pressure on the filter causing it to break down. I think the idea of using the water flow from the siphone to clean the filter is a good one. Usually I just clean it in the old tank water. I just...
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    Cycle Is Complete...please Help With Fish Selection

    I was just gonna ask that question. So the 6 tetras are rather large, 11 tiger barbs and 6 cute cory cats. How many more fish could I get exactly? If I get additional, it will not be until a week or so as I would like to add gradually. And Id prefer to stock to 90% capacity. I'm also concerned...
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    Mechanial Filter Replacement Monthly, Or No?

    yea, I figured most of my bacteria are on the biowheel Although some on the mechanical filter, I thought its main purpose was to trap large particles, waste and debris. If I clean it under tap, Im afraid of the chlorine in the water. If there is water left in the filter, wont the amoutn of...
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    Cycle Is Complete...please Help With Fish Selection

    Okay, so I decided to return the 4 cherry barbs. They just were too small, and I was afraid that they may not go well with the larger buenos aries tetras. The ones I got were rather large, almost full grown, I think. So, I returned the barbs and got three more buenos aries, to help reduce...
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    Cycle Is Complete...please Help With Fish Selection

    Thanks. I did read that a larger number will reduce aggression. I might get three more, a total of 6. So I will have 6 of the tetras, and I got 4 of the smaller cherry barbs. I just hope they dont become lunch.
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    Cycle Is Complete...please Help With Fish Selection

    Okay so her eis what I got today: I got 4 cherry barbs. My mom really likes their deep, red color. However, they are rather small, about an inch and a half right now. I just put them in and the tiger barbs were kinda going after them, but it appears harmless. I also got 3 Buenos aries tetras...
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    Cycle Is Complete...please Help With Fish Selection

    Thanks for your help. I bought sinking wafers, tablets, and shrimp pellets (which really dont sink at first and just float at the top), but these damn barbs eat those too. Ill notice the tiger barbs going after it and the cories will try too, but they get easily spookd sometimes while eating...
  25. T

    Cycle Is Complete...please Help With Fish Selection

    Hey thanks! I was gonna say ! If barbs dont get a long with other barbs, that really limits me! Its jsut that these damn tiger barbs I didnt know are kinda semi-aggressive. Everyone told me that they would be fine with cory cats, but these damn things eat everyhting and I think that its...
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    Cycle Is Complete...please Help With Fish Selection

    So why does it have to be a pair of rams? Can I get more then that? Does anyone else know if different barbs can be in the same tank? I saw the cherry barb and that looks real nice.
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    Mechanial Filter Replacement Monthly, Or No?

    How do I know when a filter media should be discarded? I have a marineland 200 power filter and it uses the biowheel for biological filtration. But, what about mechanical filtration? I understand that you really dont need to replace this every month, as the manufacterer recommends, as long as...
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    Algae Eater...but Which One..?

    I am sure you guys have been asked this question a hundred times, but, I think I know what two I am considering. My tank is cycled and I am now thinking of getting an algae eater. The tank has been up and running for at least a month and a half now. Ive been studying different kinds of fish...
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    My Cycle Is Complete! Just Making Sure...

    That's a good point as far as how much to change. I never check for nitrates, as I thought really it was a waste of time as long as you are doing your water changes. so I cant say what my nitrate levels are. I plan to buy an API Nitrate test kit. What levels are unsafe? The color chart it...
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    Got A Cory Stuck In The Net

    I bought three more melenistius catfish, and one of the cute guys got stuck real good in the net when I was trying to put him in the tank. he aws stuck for several minutes and I didnt know what to do. I even tried to gently yank him at this tail, and I was afraid to touch near his mouth because...
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    Cycle Is Complete...please Help With Fish Selection

    Well, we went to the LFS and ended up getting just three more of the cory cats. I got one caought in my net when I was trying to put him in the tank, and he was stuck real good, for several minutes. I didnt know how to get him out and was real concerned about harming him. I even tried to yank...
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    Cycle Is Complete...please Help With Fish Selection

    Thanks everyone for your response. Im not sure about any algae eaters quite yet, cuz I dont think I have sufficient amount of algae in the tank, at least the green kind that many prefer. The otocinclus is a good option, but I hear they are sensitive to water conditions? Just to make my cute...
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    3 More Of The Same, Or Different...?

    I am ready to add more fish to my 55 gallon setup. I currently have three cute melenistius catfish. I definitely want to have a total of 6 in my tank. Do you think I should add just three more of the same type, or, would it be fine to add 3 more of a different type of cory catfish? I hear the...
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    Cycle Is Complete...please Help With Fish Selection

    ya know I was thinking actually of getting 6 corys total. I might just get the same species, I dont know whether differnet types of cories school together or not. My signature post as indicated, we have a 55 gallon tank. What about an algae eating fish? otocinlus?
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    Cycle Is Complete...please Help With Fish Selection

    My cycle is finished, we are all excited. We want to add additional fish. I currently have 3 cory cats and 11 tiger barbs. Now I need advice from all you experts on what kind of additional fish to add. Can someone please give me their recommendaton on what would be a good choice for our next...
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    My Cycle Is Complete! Just Making Sure...

    Well, everyone after so much drama in the household, I am happy to say the cycle is complete! it took at least a month, and I had fish from the beginning. fI was only testing for ammonia and nitrites for the entire time, although occassionaly pH. For a awhile, the only reading I was getting was...
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    Tank Gets Too Hot!

    Take a bag and put ice in it and let it float in the aquarium.
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    Strange Fish Behavior For A Tiger Barb?

    I cant say that he looks sick, he looks just fine, from what I can tell. And he doesn't do it all the time. I also think he is actually a male, red tipped nose and fin. anyway, thanks for your replies!
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    Cleaning External Filters...

    Okay. Well tonight I did a water change and in the old tank water, I simply dunked the filter media to remove any debris, but I didnt squeeze it. I also have extra compartment for another filter media, so I added two additional filter cartidges in my two power filters. Thanks for your reply.