Thanks for your help. I bought sinking wafers, tablets, and shrimp pellets (which really dont sink at first and just float at the top), but these damn barbs eat those too.
Ill notice the tiger barbs going after it and the cories will try too, but they get easily spookd sometimes while eating and they go away. I once event went to the pet store and go ta divider to feed them. I enjoyed actually seeing the cories being able to eat without getting pested, but the divider is just not an option for me, and it seems all too difficult then it needs to be,
I think they are getting their share, I just dont see them ge ta chance to eat often. Ive even tried sneaking up to the tank at night so the barbs wont notice to drop in a tablet, but if one notices, all of them comes rushing over.
What about the harlequin rasboras? What kind of tetras shold I look into? I know I hate the little damn neon tetras, they are too small. The cardinaal tetras are real cool, but, I read that they often die because many are caought from the wild? We tend to dislike the danios or tiny tetras as they resmeble more of a worm from a afar, and not your average fish. They also seem just dumb, unlike the tiger barbs which seem to notice their surroundings and explore.
Im gonna go to the lfs right now (despite the gas prices which are killing me) and check out some fish, and try very hard the impulse of jsut buying something.