Cycle Is Complete...please Help With Fish Selection

OKay I looked it up it seems that barbs will do fine with other barbs.
Hey thanks! I was gonna say ! If barbs dont get a long with other barbs, that really limits me!
Its jsut that these damn tiger barbs I didnt know are kinda semi-aggressive. Everyone told me that they would be fine with cory cats, but these damn things eat everyhting and I think that its challenge to make sure the cute cories get their share.

I still dont know how to feed them properly, despite so many helpful responses. I just didnt want to get fish that were very mild mannered and get spooked so easily.

Those rams do look cool! Are they not schooling fish? The only thing is to make it easier, I would really prefer to get fish that accept quality flake food readily. Its better for us. The rams, do they take flake food, or have a special diet? Also, bsed on my readings, they seem a bit difficult to care for and doesnt sound as hardy as other good beginner community fish. We are looking for fish that is very hardy, easy to care for, doesn;t require a special diet, and not sensitive to water quality.

The raindbow fishes sure look nice. Are those an option? But they do get rather large. Id prefer fish that grow no more then say 3 inches.
You can buy things like sinking pellets for your cories. They'll sink right to the bottom so the tiger barbs won't eat them.
Tiger barbs are indeed semi aggressive, but only when they are kept in small groups. You have 11 so you should be fine. They may pick on each other once in a a while, by no serious harm should be done.
Rams are unfortunately not schooling fish. If you buy a group, they would probably pair off and them compete with each other for territories. From what I've read, they usually take flake food but not right away. You could feed them frozen bloodworms. The tiger barbs and cories would love that too.

Praecox rainbows would be good for your tank, I think you'd like them. They're very fun to watch. They don't get very big either.

You should probably look into tetras if you haven't already.
Thanks for your help. I bought sinking wafers, tablets, and shrimp pellets (which really dont sink at first and just float at the top), but these damn barbs eat those too.

Ill notice the tiger barbs going after it and the cories will try too, but they get easily spookd sometimes while eating and they go away. I once event went to the pet store and go ta divider to feed them. I enjoyed actually seeing the cories being able to eat without getting pested, but the divider is just not an option for me, and it seems all too difficult then it needs to be,

I think they are getting their share, I just dont see them ge ta chance to eat often. Ive even tried sneaking up to the tank at night so the barbs wont notice to drop in a tablet, but if one notices, all of them comes rushing over.

What about the harlequin rasboras? What kind of tetras shold I look into? I know I hate the little damn neon tetras, they are too small. The cardinaal tetras are real cool, but, I read that they often die because many are caought from the wild? We tend to dislike the danios or tiny tetras as they resmeble more of a worm from a afar, and not your average fish. They also seem just dumb, unlike the tiger barbs which seem to notice their surroundings and explore.

Im gonna go to the lfs right now (despite the gas prices which are killing me) and check out some fish, and try very hard the impulse of jsut buying something.
Harlequin Rasboras would be good, they are a schooling fish.
I think most cardinal tetras are captive bred, some people have luck with them, some don't.
Maybe loaches would be good for your tank. Kuhlie loaches are my favorite, they are very worm like though, I don't know if you would like them. There are also dwarf chain loaches which stay small and are very interesting to me. They are schooling fish too.
Blue Rams wont be the best for 'easy to care for'. If you are looking for that then i think as a centre-piece you should probably go with a Rainbow or Red Tailed Black Shark. I think u mentioned this earlier as a suggestion. You can get smaller Rainbows btw, often labelled as Blue Neon Rainbows, these are about 2" long and a very cool schooling fish and would have no problems in ur tank.
Okay so her eis what I got today:

I got 4 cherry barbs. My mom really likes their deep, red color. However, they are rather small, about an inch and a half right now. I just put them in and the tiger barbs were kinda going after them, but it appears harmless.

I also got 3 Buenos aries tetras. These are reao cool, they grow to about 3". The ones I got right now are a good 2" fish. I hope the cute little cherry barbs will be okay with the larger tetras. It didnt occur to me the size factor.

What do you guys think?
It sounds good. Buenos Ares tetras are one of the more aggressive tetras, I would get a few more to help spread the aggression between them.
Thanks. I did read that a larger number will reduce aggression. I might get three more, a total of 6.

So I will have 6 of the tetras, and I got 4 of the smaller cherry barbs. I just hope they dont become lunch.
Okay, so I decided to return the 4 cherry barbs. They just were too small, and I was afraid that they may not go well with the larger buenos aries tetras. The ones I got were rather large, almost full grown, I think.

So, I returned the barbs and got three more buenos aries, to help reduce aggression. I think 6 is a good number.

So, now I got 6 buenos aries tetras, 11 tiger barbs, 6 cory catfish!

Thanks everyone for your help!

Next fish, I think, the rainbow shark. They look real cool and if I get only one, it should be fine.
I hope this is a good stocking scheme.
Rainbow sharks are usually peaceful when small but as they grow they start to become more aggressive. Just keep that in mind, because it might not like your cories.

You could also have quite a few more fish if you wanted.
I was just gonna ask that question. So the 6 tetras are rather large, 11 tiger barbs and 6 cute cory cats.
How many more fish could I get exactly? If I get additional, it will not be until a week or so as I would like to add gradually. And Id prefer to stock to 90% capacity. I'm also concerned that since these tetras are a little larger then most (which I like), that most juvenille fish from the store might become food. Do I hvae reason to worry about this?

What other kind of fish can I get, considering these are semi-aggressive, although I hope I hve reduced that by having 6 of them.

You are close to capacity now, working off 3" for the tetras, although I dont know what size they are. You could still add some more so long as u keep on top of the water changes but I would leave it a few weeks yet just to let it settle a bit. What was u thinking about?
Well, three of the tetras are definitely 2.5" inches, almost full growth. The other three are not, probably 2".
the 11 tiger barbs will grow, say 2.5". And then 6 cory cats, which will be maybe 2.5", too.

Maybe I am getting close?

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