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  1. M


    yipee im so happy any suggestions or comments will be most appreciated. :-
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    Golden Mollies...

    maybe you just got fish that plain old just dont want to breed
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    baby fry

    the platys and guppys i know would eat the fry for sure
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    my new tank

    way to big dude :crazy:
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    just got back from the lfs and got three fancy gupies two females one male three swordtails two females one male and two red foxtails.They just got in the tank and are looking great.Guess what ron both of my female fancy guppies look like they are gonna burst.I call the guppies my little neons...
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    if you mean is there a picture no
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    My 29 Gal Tank

    wow what kind of fish are those
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    Golden Mollies...

    maybe the other fish eat the babies they have before you see them
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    most of them are around or less than two inches just do a search on the one your curius about.
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    Is it time?

    that would work you will see a gravid spot on the belly and a lttle while before she has babys she will stop eating and slow down.If you look from the back and she has more of a square belly than round she is close.
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    Male platy picking on female platy.

    it might be a swordtail or it might be that they just dont like him
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    Help im New at BaBy GupPie NurSery

    sounds perfect you cant sex them for awhile and they dont get there color for awhile.
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    Pregnant platy?

    i dont think youll see a gravid spot because you usully only see it on see-thru fish.If your fish is colored than you will not see it.When my fish are close to giving birth they stop eating and thats when i put them in.
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    Just my luck with guppies...

    you cant really try to breed them it just comes natural
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    Pregnant Guppy Question...

    that would be perfect but youll have to keep a good eye on the female
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    Tryin to breed mollies

    Yes it sounds like your females are pregnant and that they did mate. It is very hard to tell the first week but later gets easier.Two ways to tell later on is the female will stop eating and another is if you look at it from behind the belly has more of a square shape with corners rather than...
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    How Long Do Platys Take To Give Birth?

    it could be any where from one hour to one week
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    Guppy Tails...

    theie tails will heal back yours might take awhile if it was slit right down the middle
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    i use a tank divider and stick it right down the middle.put the female on one side
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    Gourami bubble nest!

    wow did he do that in his tank how big is the tank what other fish are in it.
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    Where are they?

    even if the other fish ate them they wouldn't eat them all the way.Try sticking your hand in and moving stuff in the water.My fish died and i found him logged under a rock.
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    My now finished tank with my first fish :)

    are they easy to breed you ever tried you gonna try
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    smb and alien anna

    our mods here are great :nod:
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    My now finished tank with my first fish :)

    aw that cuts me out from gettin them :/
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    BB'Z Tankz

    that would look cool
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    My now finished tank with my first fish :)

    are they an easy fish to raise peacful how big of tank do you need
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    My now finished tank with my first fish :)

    know what you mean when i first got my fish i couldn't take my eyes off them sat there for hours starin nat them like there was notin better to do :lol:
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    last post

    talk to us again see yeah :/
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    My now finished tank with my first fish :)

    i would love to use seashells to there so cool.sorry cant help with your question
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    is their a chance

    they dont usually get color for awhile.They also cannot breed with another male until they run out of sperm because they can store sperm for 6 months so might take awhile till you can breed her with the one you want
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    My now finished tank with my first fish :)

    are the angels the nly thing you have in there
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    My now finished tank with my first fish :)

    those are beutiful wish i could find good cheap ones.My 500 post :hooray: :beer: yipee.
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    Brichardi and Fry

    nice pic how many fry
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    BB'Z Tankz

    those ar good pictures
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    my 4ft setup

    nice tank my first was a ten
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    A couple of new

    what fish are in with that coral
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    its beautiful :wub: