My now finished tank with my first fish :)

24 gallons by my math ;)

Your tank looks fantastic, but I'm wondering about the shells you're using to decorate. Shells are generally not a good idea for fw tanks, unless you're keeping African cichlids, as they break down over time and leach calcium (and other minerals?) into your water, driving up your pH and making your water very hard. Considering that angelfish like soft, acidic water, I don't think shells are the best decorating idea.
Happy to help. I remember my bitter disappointment when I discovered I wasn't going to be able to display any of my favourite seashells in my tanks. I live on an island and had great big ideas about the lovely aquascaping I was going to do!
Living on an island, bet you can get hold of some really good shells and fish :) maybe i should'nt ask this question here but my two angle fish have been swimming round real good all day now they just seem to be resting very near the top about 3 inch from the surface, is this ok? you can tell i'm new to this cause i'm watching my fish like a hawk lol
know what you mean when i first got my fish i couldn't take my eyes off them sat there for hours starin nat them like there was notin better to do :lol:
FishRunner said:
Living on an island, bet you can get hold of some really good shells and fish :) maybe i should'nt ask this question here but my two angle fish have been swimming round real good all day now they just seem to be resting very near the top about 3 inch from the surface, is this ok? you can tell i'm new to this cause i'm watching my fish like a hawk lol
More then likely they are just fine. Theyre just hanging out. Mine tend to do that every now and them also.
cool, feel better knowing it's normal.. well thanks to everyone that has replied tonight and helped me out i'm really thankful, but i best go get some sleep now :shifty: got work in five hours :/ see ya all again soon

All The Best
MountGuppy said:
are they an easy fish to raise peacful how big of tank do you need
They are very easy to keep and peaceful as well, except at spawning times. They can ge real "knuckleheads". 20g is the minimum they should be housed in. They can grow up to 10 inches tall including the fins.
I mostly agree with Knucklehead (I think he breeds them, so I'm sure he knows more about more different angelfish than I could hope to), but I find that a pair of angels that have spawned can be real #%*@&s even when they're not spawning. They tend to become quite territorial if they have a mate and I personally have a pair who are absolutely tyrannical. They are cichlids and sometimes act accordingly. Also, the most peaceful angel can decide to make lunch out of a long-time tankmate one day with little forewarning. It's usually a good idea not to keep them with fish that can fit inside their mouths (NEONS). Lastly, I wouldn't keep angelfish in a 20 gallon tank. I think it's far too small for fully grown angels. I have two in a 33 gallon tank, and the top of my fish-wish list is a bigger tank for them. They are clearly and undeniably cramped in there. Although they're very healthy and spawn regularly, they just don't have enough room to move imo.
Another good looker! Love the live plants! I would have live plants, but cichlids love them as much as I do!

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