Gourami bubble nest!


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2003
Reaction score
North Of England
Our male dwarf gourami has just started making a bubble nest, maybe he thinks he's going to get lucky with our Powder Blue :unsure:
:hyper: AMAZING pic! My neon blue dwarf gourami did the same thing but the female was having none of it! Eventually when we did a water change it got disrupted :( felt so sorry for the horny guy! Let us know if you have any luck!
first time seeing that for me too wow thanks for sharing!!
MountGuppy Posted on Sep 12 2003, 04:35 PM
  wow did he do that in his tank how big is the tank what other fish are in it.

He made it in our new 55gallon community tank:
2 Dwarf Gourami
2 Panda Corys
5 Neon Tertas
1 Cardinal Tetra
2 Silver Dollars
4 Black Phantom Tetras
1 Common Plec
& a Balloon Ramirezi
:wub: :wub: :fish:

Its cool that you all enjoyed the pic :D
Here's another from the top!
oh wow, that's amazing... Giant bubble nest... I want to know how I can tell the sex from all of the groumies... If you have information on any groumi it doesn't matter I want to be informed cause I want to try it out... -_-
another really nice shot bud!! these are first looks at bubblenest for alot of ppl thanks for sharing :thumbs: lol kinda looks like :sick: spit :nod:
I've seen bubble nests irl, and I'm still totally impressed with those pics!!! Those are amazing pictures. You can actually see him spitting out bubbles in the first one! That is one big bubble nest. Congratulations - your water conditions must be great.
Hope u don't mind me butting in but mine are mating too. Been watching them all night. Extremely interesting to watch believe me. Heres a pic of our bubble nest. Got a vid too :thumbs:


  • nest.jpg
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Those photos are amazing, you dont know how jealous i am that i cant take pictures that good :( . I love the floating plants, tried them in one of my set ups once but they just ended up blocking the filter up, that tank must be gourami paradise :lol:

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