Help im New at BaBy GupPie NurSery


New Member
Sep 13, 2003
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:crazy: Help! My friend had nowheere to put his new baby guppies, and i had a extra tank. A hexigon 35 gallon tank and a 2 gallon tank. Whitch is better for the babies? What do i feed them? i have been feeding them crushed yup betta pellets and i put a few pinches of tropical flakes put them in a zippy bag and crushed them by rubbing it in between my fingers.What should the temprature? and is it safe to put new batches in? they are a week old. And when do the get their color? when can you sex them? thank you for your help! :-(
First off, did you cycle the tank they are in? If not they will probably not live because they are very delicate about water conditions.

The temperature should be in the high 70s, about 78 degrees F (or about 26 C I think). Being livebearer fish they can eat crushed flakes immediately (just as u described). Also they can be fed just hatched brine shrimp but thats usually a little harder to do. They can be sexed as soon as u can see their anal fin, the males have one that is pointy called the gonopodium. Even at a few weeks old this should be possible. Their color should come somewhere around a month or two old. When they are big enough not to fit in the other fishies mouths then they can be put in the community tank but this can take awhile because most fish can open their mouths quite large.

ANYWAYS, Congrats on the baby fishies! :D
:nod: I buy a trio of zebra danios to cycle all my new tanks out in b4 i put other fish in.( Then after they are no more use to me, my cute Oscar gets a treat or three :thumbs: ) umm, i put them in my hexi, that i seted up last week, today. Umm, i still have all 16 of the little devils. i Have had them in a 2 gallon tank. Earlier on i realize that you can start to see their pigment and when they were in the 2 gallon they look like pale albinos but now you can see a metallic blue on some, and some with half black tails like their mom. That was really neat to see , thewater is at 75* and the hexi consists of a undergravel filter, a few river rocks a nice size plant. the bottem is bare so that it can hold more fish. ummmm, I think if they keep growing like they are i will be able to realease them in the community in a week or two! And i am getting 2 babes that a mother just had at his house. So that'll be neat. thank you Guppy monkey for answering my questions. :nod:

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