I've had the fish for several months, and not once have the 2 females given birth, I have a Golden male in there but I see him get to the 2... But I never see the babies.. What color would they be? My silver and black ones give babies... I have 42 medium baby mollies in my 15 gallon tank that all servived,... Which sorta makes me irritated because I didn't want basicaly all of them to live... Not trying to sound harsh but I don't want to place tons of black things in the tank, it would make the population of black be 10 x's more than the others... My silver ones probably have 25 babies left in the giant tank, I let them stay in there and the parents and other fish chomped on the young. I probably have 200 baby guppies in the tank, ranging from all sorts of colors... ! So what's the problem with the golden ones?