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  1. P

    Guppie problem

    My Male Guppy "Thunder" had a split in the middle of his looked like he had 2 tails :look: I didnt put anything in the tank to help and it is healed now :) I dont know why it split I didnt see anyone nipping his fins :blink:
  2. P

    Guppy Tails...

    I have a Male that has a Beautiful Tail and he had a slit right in the middle of it :blink: It healed on its own it just takes a few weeks..
  3. P

    black mollies

    Yes it is...I have a Male that almost killed my female I had to seperate her from him, until I got some more females now hes bad but not as bad...Its good to have at least 2-3 females per male
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    how long

    I breed Mollies and my female gives birth every 30 days, except for this batch that was born 9-3 they were 3 days early :lol:
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    When do guppies become sexually mature?

    Males at 6 weeks and Females at 3 months :)
  6. P

    Over ten new molly fry - newbie help plz

    I have a WHOLE lot of Molly babies..which most are in seperate tanks :lol: I feed mine crushed up flakes 2-3 times a day!! Do you see them getting food when you feed? You might and its a big might lose 1-2, but then again you might not lose any!!! Do you have alot of hiding places? I would...
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    Filter Question

    I am setting up a 25 gal, and fixing to cycle it, but I dont know what type of filter to use?? Can anyone give me some hints?? I want a current but not a REAL strong one....I am also planning on getting a bubble wall too Should I get a outside or inside filter??? Please help I dont know what...
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    funny thing happend this morning

    YUP :lol: All my fish when I am doing something in the tank they all fight to see who is gonna eat my finger!!! :hyper: Even my Pleco "Fred" comes to the top of the tank to check me out!! :lol: He hasnt yet sucked my finger :lol: :lol: :lol: :crazy:
  9. P

    Guppy Fry

    I have had some fry that was darker than the others it wasnt color but it was how they were and when they finally got their color the darker ones were half blacks
  10. P

    fighting mollies

    I have the same problem as you Ford....I have a HUGE Silver female Molly that is terrorizing(sp?) my tank!!! :crazy: She is trying to kill my Guppies, chasing my other 2 female Mollies and has had many battle royals with my Male Black Lyretail Molly :unsure: I have even seen her trying to...
  11. P

    Platys and Molly's Gestation time

    I am not sure about Platys I dont have any of them but Mollies I do have them :hyper: Too many IMO :lol: lots and lots of babies :hyper: My female has her babies every 30 days, which the last batch did come a few days early :D But somewhere I heard it is usuallt 4-6 weeks, but I guess...
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    New Tank!!!

    Thanks for your input Inchworm :) I think I will try the fishless cycle, and if I run into any problems I will ask everyone :lol:
  13. P

    New Tank!!!

    Yes I read your article, But Im not sure if I could do a fishless, Im scared :o :lol:
  14. P

    New Tank!!!

    I am getting a 25 gallon today :D I have to clean it up and get some stuff for it (filter, gravel, plants, etc..) I am going to cycle it with 3-4 zebras...But my question is....I dont know how to set up the landscape i guess thats whats its called :lol: :blink: Any suggestions would...
  15. P

    Feed for Conditioning

    Ok I have 13 Guppies that are now 3 months old and I have 2 picked out that I want to breed together...The question I have is what type of food can I feed them to condition them before I breed them to make them better?? right now I feed the TetraMin Tropical Flakes (The Rich Mix) I do also feed...
  16. P

    I'm a GRANDMA!!!

    CONGRADS on the babies :D I had some Black Lyretail Molly babies last night I lost count at 22 :hyper: So that makes me 49 and more Black Lyretail Mollies :hyper: :hyper: Then the other night my Silver Molly had babies and I got 13 of them :fun: and I have 13 Guppy babies that are...
  17. P

    pregnant guppy suddenly dies

    Sometimes the stress from the birth causes them to die...about 3 weeks ago one of my Mollies gave birth to 34 babies and she died 2 days later, with no apparent reason...Aslo when the female is older and has a bunch of batches the stress is too great for them...I have 2 female guppies that have...
  18. P

    Ok I have Problem

    Thanks everyone :D I really do think they are Silver Mollies!! and they are the cutest little things I have ever saw :lol: They are even cuter than my Black Molly babies!!! :unsure: SHHHH dont tell them that!! :fun:
  19. P

    Ok I have Problem

    All I have in the tank is Mollies and Guppies, and a pleco I really think they are from my Silver Molly, she must have been pregnant when I got her cause she hasnt been in the tank long enough with my Male to be his...They have a top fin like the baby Mollies...The color is what is getting me...
  20. P

    Ok I have Problem

    I was feeding tonight and I noticed some babies in my tank!!! :o Well I managed to save 12...The thing is I dont know who they came from or what they look like!!! :fun: They are too big to be Guppies and too small to be Mollies...I have babies from Guppies and Mollies and these are NOT the...
  21. P

    My new mollies like nipping all fishes

    You want to come see mean then come take a look at my tank!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: My Male Black Lyretail Molly is a beast!!!! and He has met his match with a HUGE Silver Female I bought, she runs the tank now :lol: But ALL of my fish in the community tank fight!!! The other day...
  22. P

    how big do guppies and mollies get

    Female Guppies will get a little bigger than the males...I have 3 Females that are about 1 1/2 inch and my Male is about 1 inch...I also have Mollies..My Females are about 2- 2 1/2 inches, but I do have a Silver Female that is about 3 inches and my Male is about 2-2 1/2 iches...I think it all...
  23. P

    Combining Fry

    Yes they can be together...But depnding on how many fry tou have of each, IMO I would get nothing smaller than a 10 gal...Cause if you have too many in one tank it can stunt their growth and it will cause bad water conditions..The bigger the tank is the better :)
  24. P

    Unexpalined Death!!

    Yes I have some bad luck this month... "Raven" died after giving birth so she wasnt sick "Flamer" died like right after I got him, so I think it was stress "Whisper" died from Mouth fungus that I didnt catch in time I guess and now "Magic" unknown causes
  25. P

    Unexpalined Death!!

    "Magic" one of my Female Black Mollies died today :-( I noticed yesterday that she was just staying in one spot only moving a little bit..She didnt eat anything at all yesterday...Last night I moved her to the hospital tank (in hopes for the best) But woke up this morning to find her died...
  26. P

    Treat Fungus w/ Fry in Tank?

    I have some salt in my Baby Guppy and Molly tanks, I didnt add the whole amount you are supposed to, and it hasnt hurt them... I also have salt in my community tank that has a pleco, and it hasnt killed him, matter of fact hes doing really well, growing BIG and eating his algae wafers, and...
  27. P

    OK, what do I do now

    aquamanis..... are you doing small water changes? Like only 10%?? That may help some, It will slow your cycling down but its worth maybe saving some of your fish.. If your Nitirites start to rise, you are near the end of your cycling What are the fish in your tank, I dont recall what you had...
  28. P

    OK, what do I do now

    I totally agree with you lordmoose :D I have been keeping fish for many many years now too
  29. P

    OK, what do I do now

    If the questions give you such a headache then IMO stopping posting and asking questions if you dont want responses!!!!!!!!!! :S Everyone has the right to say what they want, we are just giving opinions, not telling you what to do :crazy:
  30. P

    Molly information

    Green??? I bet that is neat :D I breed Black Lyretails I currently have 38 babies!!!! I just bought a Silver Female, and Black Female (these are regular tails) and a Light Orange Lyretail female...I am excited to see what kind of babies i will have since the only male in the tank is a Black...
  31. P

    OK, what do I do now

    BTW give your tank another week and you will see how much damage can be done if 1 or all your fish die cause of the HIGH ammonia or Nitirites...I learned the hard way... :sad: Your Guppy giving birth..well that was because either she was due, or the stress bought on delivery...Are the babies...
  32. P

    I am working on a project...

    All those Guppies I posted are Show Guppies...I dont think you will find one in a pet store, you have to get them from breeder... mrv....Yes there is a problem with the Males Guppy tails being too big and causing a curve in the spine...I have had Beautiful Males before and they have had such...
  33. P

    I am working on a project...

    Well the last picture I posted will be my own when i buy them...I am fixing to get some of those....And he DID want the most beautiful Guppies...Great if you want to add your own...But do you know what strain they are????? Thats what he wants different strains....
  34. P

    I am working on a project...

    and I cant forget my ULTIMATE favorite!!! I am looking for some of these and as soon as get some money I am getting some from :lol: They do come in darker or lighter blues Moscow Blue
  35. P

    I am working on a project...

    Heres a few that I have found!! Hope you like :) Let me know if you do.. Half-Black Leopard Half Black Pastel Half Black Blue Half Black Yellow Variegated Snakeskin Russian Blue (Male and Female) Gold Bodied Reds Yellows Red Albino Blue Grass...
  36. P

    breeding a strain

    Yes I am...but I am looking for some more females from the outside..cause the females I have I think are too old, they havent dropped any babies for 2 months!! :sad: I did find the other day a young female thats had the color I was looking for, so I bought her :) but my Male has no...
  37. P


    I have a question...I have some baby Mollies that are 6 1/2 weeks old and what I was wondering is when they can start breeding? I am gonna seperate them, but I am not sure when they can start breeding... :o I know Guppies can start for males 6 weeks and females 3 months..But I am not sure...
  38. P

    Pregnant Guppy

    I breed Guppies...So I would wait a little longer until the belly gets bigger..If you put her in there too soon it will stress her and my cause her to abort the babies.. I feed mine finely crushed up flakes, and a product called Fry Bites..I feed them 2-3 times a day
  39. P

    HELP!! Mouth Fungus

    The only reason I am doing so many wc is that I have a Nitirite spike..In my other tanks I do wc every week... I do rinse the filters in tank water about once a month...I had to change the filter in one the one tank that has the Nitirite spike cause I couldnt clean it anymore.. Everyone in the...
  40. P

    HELP!! Mouth Fungus

    Yes I am doing wc every 2 days or sometimes sooner if I have time...I changed my filter media, and I must have not put enough from the old in with the new, I think thats what has caused the spike in Nitirites.. The tank has been running for a while, it has been cycled.. My ph has always been...