I am working on a project...


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Jan 17, 2002
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I am working on a project about guppies, I would appreciate any pictures of the most beautiful guppies you can find. What others think of them doesn't matter I want a broad mix of popular, spectacular guppy strains. Just post them here in replies please, just the link to the image inside the tags :)

is this personal project of sumthin for college???? and what is the porject about like why do u what pic ofdifferent strain what u need then fro just interested!! also btw u can find loads of pic on google if u just type in guppy strains that what i did when i wanted to look at awide range of guppys!! :D u could do that its might be easyier and u woul dget alot more pics belive me there are alot of different types!!! :S very confusing!
There are WONDERFUL pictures of BEAUTIFUL guppies at:

www.deltaguppies.com/gallery.htm They are simply amazing!!!!!!!!!
Hope I could help you,
Heres a few that I have found!! Hope you like :) Let me know if you do..

Half-Black Leopard

Half Black Pastel

Half Black Blue

Half Black Yellow

Variegated Snakeskin

Russian Blue (Male and Female)

Gold Bodied Reds


Red Albino

Blue Grass

Half Black Purple

Pink Albinos

Pink Multi Colors
and I cant forget my ULTIMATE favorite!!! I am looking for some of these and as soon as get some money I am getting some from aquabid.com :lol:

They do come in darker or lighter blues

Moscow Blue
I think it would look much coolor if the person in general showed their own guppies pictures. I will do it once I get my digital camera into gear...
Well the last picture I posted will be my own when i buy them...I am fixing to get some of those....And he DID want the most beautiful Guppies...Great if you want to add your own...But do you know what strain they are????? Thats what he wants different strains....
I just saw some of the pix that was posted and WOW! The guppies is gorgous! I don't think I have ever seen any of them here. Maybe I haven't gone to more fish stores. Beautiful pix!
Those pictures are indeed beautiful! Heh, it's nice to get names for the strains of my guppies too, I never knew that before now.

On the subject of different strains, how hard is it to breed them? I don't mean the practical stuff like separating males and females early etc. I'm just wondering how big a percentage of the young of for example Half Black Blues will be the same colour, assuming you control who the parents are?
All those Guppies I posted are Show Guppies...I dont think you will find one in a pet store, you have to get them from breeder...

mrv....Yes there is a problem with the Males Guppy tails being too big and causing a curve in the spine...I have had Beautiful Males before and they have had such BIG tails they could hardly swim, and had curved spines, :blink: I had to make sure there wasnt any nippers in the tank with them cause they couldnt swim very fast...

I have a Male right now that is absolutly gorgeous!!! :D He has a big tail but its not huge to where it slows him down or curves his spine...This is the tail size I am trying to start in my strain..His color is a light Lavendar/Blueish...I have to work on the dorsel fin I would like it to be a little bigger :)

And I forgot to add...that my Males that had the BIG heavy tails NEVER had any health problems!!!! They never were sick, never had any problems eating!!! The only problem they had was they couldnt swim very fast!! They lived longer than the ones that their tail wasnt real big!! So it may cause health problems, but in most cases it doesnt affect them..

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