HELP!! Mouth Fungus


Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2003
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One of my Female Guppies has Mouth Fungus!!! She has this white cotten lookin stuff on her lips both top and bottom, and she seems to not be able to move her mouth!! :sad: She tried to eat this morning but I dont think she was able :-(

I have started treatment of Melifix...but what I was wondering is this med ok to treat this, or is there a better medicine? What can I do about her eating, she wants to eat she goes up to it but cant move her mouth to get any? :eek:

Here are my water conditions:
Ammonia= 0
Nitirite= .25 (doing water changes)
Nitirate= 0
ph= 7.6

Please if anyone can help me please do!! I dont want to lose her!! :sad:

I am treating the whole tank cause a couple of others are looking like they are getting it too!!!

I have took the carbon out for treatment, should I leave it out permently?
I have also added salt to the tank
you could try anti fungus and fin rot treatment if that helps, it don't look tooo good mate, when there mouth is frozen then it will mean starve to death but you might be lucky.

Best of luck. it is highly contigous as well.
I just got home and checked on her and she worse..I placed her in the hospital tank...her whole mouth is red...its underneath as well, she still has the white cotten stuff on her lips...

PLEASE is there anything else I can do!!!

I am still gonna treat the other tank as well maybe none of the others will get it
Well she didnt make it :-( She just died!!!

Her whole head was red, her lips had the white cotten stuff on them and then I noticed that on her belly she had a red dot, and a red streak going up to her back!?!?! The red dot and streak appeared after she died or right before she did..Can anyone tell me what this might have been...I thought she just had mouth fungus, I found a website about fish diseases and I looked and I saw something that she might have had its called Red Mouth?? I have never heard of this..If anyone can help please do...Should I be concerned with the other fish?
PJ, I had a betta with a fungal infection in his mouth. It was horrible. He died in about three or four days, and MelaFix was the medicine I was using, as well. I was only convinced that it did nothing except cause the water to smell horrible.. :/
Some of these "fungal" infections are actually bacterial infections. Melafix is a good tonic IMHO, and good for minor infections like cloudy eye, but no where near strong enough for something as vicious as fin rot or mouth rot.

I usually use Melafix as a preventative and alongside other medications, and also when a fish is convalescing.

The medication I use most often (usually with good results if I catch it early) it Interpet's Internal Bacteria Treatment. For actual fungal infections and ich I use King British WS3 Whitespot Terminator which is a treatment based on methylene blue. If a particular treatment isn't working with a few days I generally take it out with some carbon in my filter and then try another remedy.

However, I generally find fish get ill as a result of old age (some of my fish are inherited and quite elderly), transport stress (some LFS's fish seem more tolerant than others) and water quality conditions (for instance, I had a problem with some bogwood that went rotten and of course we've had this terrible heatwave). I do get annoyd with fish keepers who say stuff like "If you cared for your fish properly, they wouldn't get ill" because even if I was perfect, fish aren't immortal! Of course, we do our best to keep water quality great, but things happen.
Well I learned my lesson, I will be going to get more meds to keep on hand :)
Some meds for fungunal, bacteria, and what ever others I can find, so if this ever happens again I will be prepared...
I have never had a fish this sick!! I have had ich before but caught it in time and treated it...I felt so sorry for the fish, she was fighting so hard at the end..

What is throwing me is the red dot on her stomach and the red streak from the dot to her back?? does anyone know what that might have been? Was it something to do with the mouth and head fungus?
red dots are usually signs of leeches sucking marks and they live in th gravel and only come out at night so i have read.

Do you vacuum your gravel regularly? have you tested your water for ammonnia and nitrite levels recently?
I do gravel cleanings every 3-4 weeks and I do half one day and then the other half 2 days later

My water conditions are:

Ammonia= 0
Nitirites= .25
Nitirates= 0
ph= 7.6
PJGuppies said:
I do gravel cleanings every 3-4 weeks and I do half one day and then the other half 2 days later

My water conditions are:

Ammonia= 0
Nitirites= .25
Nitirates= 0
ph= 7.6
You've got a nitrite spike in there. Nitrite levels should be zero. Is your tank properly cycled yet? If so, it could be the medications you used or you've had some bacteria die off in your filter. Don't add any new stock until you've had zero levels of nitrite in your tank for at least a week.

Your pH is a little high too. I have the same problem but some fish cope better with it than others (mollies, platties and guppies do well in high pH, for instance). I have a ton of bogwood in my "Amazon" tank and I peat-filter my w/c water. It keeps the pH around 6 - 6.5 which is much better for the tetras and cherry barbs I have in there. Bogwood reduces the pH slowly and shouldn't cause any nasty pH crashes, but get advice if you intend to use peat filtering and haven't tried it before.
Yes I am doing wc every 2 days or sometimes sooner if I have time...I changed my filter media, and I must have not put enough from the old in with the new, I think thats what has caused the spike in Nitirites..

The tank has been running for a while, it has been cycled..

My ph has always been that...the fish seems fine with it, I only have Guppies and Mollies and a pleco
you seem to be changing alot of water pj? do u rinse your old filter pads in tank water before putting them back? alot of people make the mistake (me included) rinsed them under the tap, until i knew it was wrong.

Hows ya guppies doing pj?
The only reason I am doing so many wc is that I have a Nitirite spike..In my other tanks I do wc every week...

I do rinse the filters in tank water about once a month...I had to change the filter in one the one tank that has the Nitirite spike cause I couldnt clean it anymore..

Everyone in the tank is doing good...The Guppies that had mouth fungus has died, she died that day :-(

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