Guppy Tails...

I have a Male that has a Beautiful Tail and he had a slit right in the middle of it :blink: It healed on its own it just takes a few weeks..
oh okay cool its a slit through the middle 1/3 the length of the tail.. hope it will be alright :) my only male gup
It should be fine but keep an eye on him to make sure it doesn't get worse... do you have any nippers in your tank? I was really surprised to find out that my neon tetras were responsible for taking a nick out of one of my male guppies - they look so tiny and unassuming but underneath it all there's pirhana blood coursing through their veins.... :devil: !
It doens't sound to bad anyway fins heal naturally. Like you were told before if you have any fin - nippers you should remove them. I prefer to use the natural healing so don't buy any medication becasue it isn't bad. There are bad cases where medication is needed. ;)
I have a male guppy who has a huge slit down the middle of his tail, infact it looks like he has two tails :)

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