Guppie problem


New Member
Sep 17, 2003
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Has anyone had a problem with guppies with split tails and other fish nipping the tails.
My Male Guppy "Thunder" had a split in the middle of his looked like he had 2 tails :look:

I didnt put anything in the tank to help and it is healed now :)

I dont know why it split I didnt see anyone nipping his fins :blink:
Yup certainly have - one of my gups arrived with a split in his tail and the other gradually started to look 'chewed' - I assumed it had been caused by the other guppie as he was very aggressive and liked to chase him round the tank. However I have since found out that neons are reknowned fin nippers - do you have any of those? What other fish do you have in the tank?

I don't think one slit is anything to worry about as long as their fins aren't getting ragged in general - that could be a sign that they are under the weather.
I have been treating my male guppies with Melafix for their split or nipped tail fins. The damage on mine are caused by the other male guppies. I guess those long flowing tails are just too much of a temptation :)
My guppies tails were a little split when I got them but they healed fine. But now it seems like the color is washing out of their tails! My two females used to have bright yellow tails with black spots and how the yellow seems to be disappearing and the tails are about half yellow and half clear! They seem to be fine besides that and the water conditions are normal. I dunno whats with them.
Hi Guppymonkey,
I had a similar question recently about color changes in female guppies. The information I found stated that the females will change color to match the substrate. Mine are in a black lined patio pond...the females turned black too, but still have yellow spotting on their tails. Is your substrate a light color?
pondfreak4365 said:
Hi Guppymonkey,
I had a similar question recently about color changes in female guppies. The information I found stated that the females will change color to match the substrate. Mine are in a black lined patio pond...the females turned black too, but still have yellow spotting on their tails. Is your substrate a light color?
My substrate is a mix of red, white and blue. My gf's little brother used to have the tank and his parents wanted a patriotic gravel, I guess. Its not very dull so I wasn't sure if the fish would change with their environment. The female guppies are the only ones that have changed color at all. The male guppy went dull for a little while after I got them and now is back to his bright colorful self.

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