Combining Fry


Fish Fanatic
Aug 11, 2003
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Union County, New Jersey
Can I combine guppy, molly and sword fry of various ages in one baby tank?

I know its probably not the best idea but I really dislike the breeding nets. Which I now have two hanging off one tank and one hanging off the other and I just don't have room for any more of them. Additionally, I really can't afford the money or the space for more than one baby tank.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, Missy. I have fancy guppy fry and molly fry in the same tank. They get along just fine. I've never had sword fry, but I know that mollies and swords sometimes mate, so they would have 2 babaies in 1, so I'm guessin that swords and mollies can be together. But in my experiance, guppies and mollies can.
Yes they can be together...But depnding on how many fry tou have of each, IMO I would get nothing smaller than a 10 gal...Cause if you have too many in one tank it can stunt their growth and it will cause bad water conditions..The bigger the tank is the better :)
You could possibly use the nets and the tank. Like you are doing right now, It's alot easier than dishing out the money and trying to make more room for the aquariums..
Thanks, I'll try to get another tank soon and maybe continue to use the nets for the mothers to deliver in, (I seem to miss it alot though)
I have platy, molly, guppy, and swordtail fry in a small plastic container hanging in my tank. I took the dividers out of one of the breeding/isolation devices. Anyway, everybody does fine and I haven't had any problems.

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