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  1. B

    Help Needed - Temp Sticker? + more

    i think your fine with the sticker and i have the same kit and havnt had a fish jump out, you should be fine, but if you are woried you could use milk jug and cut up some plastic and cover the hole, make sure you wash it good with hot water, NO SOAP!!!
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    Entire Baby Tank Wiped Out!

    sorry about the fry :-( what about the temp?
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    guppies with back problems?

    ive bought a guppy with a curved spine mine died a week ago but he lived a long live so im happy.
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    What is your favorite livebearer?

    Guppy all the way, i dont have platies but they are#2 fav
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    What Size are fry when born?

    well i think i found all of my fry in my tank if you got a good angle they arnt to hard but when you are ont he top veiw it can be hard, they are very cool, mine just gave birth today! my first!
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    :P -_- lol thats the reflection! :P :P :o :lol: :S 8)
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    2.5 gallon. filtered, live plant...

    no if they are the same size and there is no females around you should be fine or you could get females instead. but i think you have 2 have a cory no matter what 2 eat the uneaten food.
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    Finally guppy fry!

    yes they were its very exieting, i didnt see it tho
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    :-( the green guppy died last night :-( it is my first fish 2 die :-( ive had fish for 3 or 4 months and never lost a fish, he was 1 of 2 of my orgaional fish, the onther one died a week earlier i gave him 2 my friend(golfboy444), his cousins way over feed have of the can was gone, he wasnt...
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    Wally my betta

    he is named wally because i saved him from walmart, he barly had any water left and his cup was cracked.
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    My 10 gallon

    small tank of the month nomation #1
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    5 Gallon aquarium two fish questions

    you could try guppies, or couple of cories, or both
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    Advice on new Aquarium

    last post i replayed but for the thread starter i would get some guppies neons and cories you would have a top, mid, and bottem feeders, i dont know how much your uk money is so bear with me. they are a great combo
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    2.5 gallon. filtered, live plant...

    i would put in a pair of male guppies and a albino cory but cylce with one gupp and when done cycling add another gupp and the cory.
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    new 55 gallon

    a very common begginer problem is they think that you can cycle with out fish.(you can but you have 2 buy a product and you cant have it with fish) what i think you should do is get some guppies, or danios and use them 2 cycle the tank, it will probley take 2-3-4 weeks, angels can not cycle a...
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    Finally guppy fry!

    its fry food you mix yourself its in like a plasic thing and you have a tiny scooper and you put it in a small bowl and you add some water and boom you have fry food
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    Finally guppy fry!

    its been a month and i was worried my female guppy wouldnt be able 2 delver the guppys and she would die, now im finding a whole bunch of fry, my back is killing me try to catch those little buggers, but i do have a quistion ive been feeding them fry food it doesnt look like they are eating it...
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    1/2 gallon 2 small?

    they might of died cause you didnt give them surface air and you filled it up all the way and they drowned. the use surface air for breathing
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    1/2 gallon 2 small?

    ive had a betta in a 1/2 gallon "betta bowl" and he loved it he is currently in a 4 1/2 super bowl. but once he gets in a bigger tank you cant move him back in a small tank he will freak and get stressed. i thing you could get a 10 or 5 1/2 tank and put some gravel and water and a few fake or...
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    Favorite dog breed

    i just love labs 2, the smartest, the biggest, the most loyal dog there is, my dog once when where in a channel in my lake and our cabin was acroos the the channel(its a pretty big channel)the motor gave up and our dog bear came out and we threw out a rope and he swam us back 2 shore.
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    Does your dog ever watch TV?

    like on dominoz pizza comercales there ussally a doorbell go off and my dog goes nutz and starts barking and goes to the front door.
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    Kilkenny win the hurling

    randy johnson(baseball player) can throw over 100 :unsure: but bout nowone else can
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    hey there.

    ive heard nothing good about those maby im mistaken but get the ones with the test tube and the liquid testing, its much more accuret i think, it takez bout 6 minutes but for 5 minutes you are waiting
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    guppie fry

    no one is gona give you fry because it cost 2 much for shiping and they would probley die anywase, fry are 2 fragil, if they were over run they would sell them 2 petstores for store credit. and you should really look in how 2 keep fry, how much 2 feed how ofen, how oven 2 do water changes, also...
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    Net Breeder

    thats perfect!
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    Cant decide!

    red tailed sharks are nice but u can only have one per a tank, they stay pretty small 2
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    Ground Hogs

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    How many fish can I add??????

    i have neons guppies and cories and a otto never lost a fish, you have 2 have a ecosystem where there is a middle feeder bottem feeders and top feeders, i think platies are like guppies, you could get more platies(get same sex as you have) and get a school of 6 neons and 4 cories, that would be...
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    Fish of the month

    i really dont like plecos for some reason
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    How many fish can I add??????

    but for bigger fish it dont work 1 inch a gallon and for large communitiy tanks it dont work
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    Fish of the month

    im goning with mountguppy wow that is da coolest fish ivve ever seen u should be proud
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    MY birthday present to me from me

    im gona do the same thing
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    Acrylic Tanks

    i have this feeling that they are gona turn yellow after awhile,maby im wrong, plus that stuff is pricy
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    corys got bellies

    i wish someone has a anwer
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    My pretty guy

    nice lookin fish :*)
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    corys got bellies

    i have the bumpy tummy with 1 or 2 and the one who i think is a male doesnt have it, males are smaller than females and hes my smallest
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    fry food

    do you have a all fish store they will have fry food, also some petsores and walmarts might have fry food, you can make it your self 2, one kind of food is just rguler flake food and you crunch it really really fine, another way is taking a hardboiled egg and taking out the yolk part and cruch...
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    A pic of my new cory's

    have you seen albino cories?they are da bomb, i posted some in members aquaiums called fish please check them out they are my fav fish
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    So happy!! Got me some Corys

    got meself some albino cories lov em 2 death, coolest fish i have 8) 8) 8)