1/2 gallon 2 small?


Aug 13, 2003
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British-Columbia, Can.
Is a 1/2 us gallon tank 2 small 4 a betta? :/ it came with a free betta and it was pretty so i bought it but at the time i read the label wrong and thought it was 1 gallon.......please tell me.....it's a wee bit late 2 return it but i could look for a bigger 1 on sale or something!

ps. any good names for a blue and red betta.....he has white tiped fins 2! :D
another question can i just put him in the little tank.......it doesn't have a filter.....so i don't know anything :crazy: maybe this was stupid.......will he survive the cycling....i have no place 2 keep him except the bag in which he came so what should i do.......my 10 gallon tank isn't fully cycled either please help.....i don't want to lose this betta!
well i have my bettta in a one gallon tank thingy, did you get one of those different colored tanks that have like everything in them? i was gunna get that but i didn't cuz i figured it was too small and i know they can survive in those but just becuz i can survive in a small room my entire life doesn't mean i want to so i got the one gallon one. and to tell the truth i have no clue wut this "cycling" thing is...is it like when a lizard sheds its skin or sumthin?
In my opinion its too small, not that it could not live in there, but with it being that small you are going to have to clean it alot. With it eating in there and going to the bathroom, the ammonia in the tank is going to go up quick. If you are going to keep it in there, you need to get an ammonia test kit. Test the ammonia everyday to see how many days you have before you have to clean it out. As soon as you read ammonia you need to change the water. In a tank that small with no filtration, it will raise quickly. I would guess it will need water changes ever 3 days, thats alot of work.
You said you also have a 10 gallon, what are you putting in there or are there fish in there? Sandy
well it's so small cleaning it won't take 2 much time.....i think i'll ask 4 a bigger one for christmas like a 2 gallon but for now i'll just watch his behavior and change the water often....yes i have 4 fish in the 10 gallon but one of them is a female betta so he can't go in there! :( i'll see what happens maybe a cute little 1 or 2 gallon tank with all the stuff will come on sale so i'll buy that but right now it's 2 much money to buy all the fixin's.........i'll just have 2 wait.

any suggestions for a name? maybe Squishy cuz his tank is small :sly:
:lol: I think Squishy fits perfectly :lol: Do you have a test kit for the water? I think an ammonia test kit is only a few dollars, so if you dont have one, you need one for him. Just change the water when you see ammonia on the test kit and he should be fine until you get him a bigger home. Good luck and feel free to ask as many questions as you need to. Sandy
thanks i'll call him that :lol: i wuz looking at test kits and i might get one soon they're about $10 dollars here i think......o and u'll c lot's of posts from me round here...... :D
Sorry, did not notice where you are. I am in the us, things are different here. I think here an ammonia test kit is just a few dollars. Sorry. Sandy
You could just buy a 5 gallon there not much if you get nothing for it, after all it's better then the .5 gallon and when you get money you can just add stuff to the tank to make it better!
This is just me but I have a betta in a one gal tank and he is enjoying himself. He got the light, airpump, gravel, plants and lots of swimming space. So he's fine on my desk and I pay much attention to him. My other betta is in a 5.5 gal tank and he enjoys the space. So it's really up to you. If you can afford it and have room, get a 5 gal, if not, then a 2 gal. it's kinda funny, but I don't think I ever saw a 2 gal tank before. I wonder how big it looks.
well don't bite my head off... but...

I've kept many bettas, and always tried to get them into a community size, I have a 75 gallon they'd just love... yet... they die in there. But are happy as heck in a plant vase. I don't understand it, but I suggest you don't get too big, I don't know why my bettas have always died in big tanks... I've lost probably a dozen in the 75 gallon.. so all I can figure is that it's too big for them to be comfortable in.
Interesting. I didn't know that. Sorry about all that. Maybe because it's too much swimming for them? Yeah, I know, sound stupid. I dont know what other reason it could be. Or could it be that they were overwhelmed wtih all that space? Did you put your betta straight into the tank from the itty bitty cup they came from? If you did, maybe that is why they die eventually. Maybe they were so used to small space that they didn't get a chance to adjust to bigger and bigger space.

I can't think of any other reason....
ive had a betta in a 1/2 gallon "betta bowl" and he loved it he is currently in a 4 1/2 super bowl. but once he gets in a bigger tank you cant move him back in a small tank he will freak and get stressed. i thing you could get a 10 or 5 1/2 tank and put some gravel and water and a few fake or real, bettas like real plants, and get a inceldecent hood and it would probley only cost you 25 bucks thats what i would do. you dont need a filter will bettas, with a bigger tank its better and trust me he will love it. he might like the 1/2 gallon 2 but you could use that for a live plant nursry and any other things thats what i use my 1/2 gallon for.
they might of died cause you didnt give them surface air and you filled it up all the way and they drowned. the use surface air for breathing

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