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  1. rachelh1

    The Magical Appearing Baby Fish

    Did you ever find out what the mystery fish was? Any pictures yet?
  2. rachelh1

    Baby Plattys

    Hiya I have currently got approx 80 baby plattys left, between 3 weeks old. every other day one has been dying and today 4 have died. They are in a seperate breeding tank and i am feeding them on finely crushed flake food. I have checked my water and everything seems fine with all the levels. Am...
  3. rachelh1

    Baby Plattys

    *Sorry this is a duplicated post, I managed to click send twice*
  4. rachelh1

    Ok And Is Mine Of Pregnant Platies!

    Did she have any more debbie? x
  5. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    Just to let you all know that as suspected one of my rainbow platys gave birth yesterday to approx. 60 fry! The other rainbow platy is due any day. I have now got over 100 fry and more on the way. Aaaaaaaaargh!
  6. rachelh1

    Lots More Fry Yay

    Congratulations 5teady, I'm sure you'll make a great grandpa! :lol: They're so cute
  7. rachelh1

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Hiya Debbie, it's nice to see ur pic! Don't know why u needed dutch courage, u look great! You look far too young to be a grandma to 20 mollies though :lol: Send my love to the baby platys! :D
  8. rachelh1

    Ok And Is Mine Of Pregnant Platies!

    Debbie thats great news, are you moving her into a breeding trap?
  9. rachelh1

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Is that a shellsuit you're wearing in that picture 5teady? :lol: Lol I had some right fashion misfits back in the 80's, doesn't bear thinking about! BTW all these pics r great fun :good:
  10. rachelh1

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    You're absolutely right Colin! Well done :hyper: The other 3 are my big sisters :nod:
  11. rachelh1

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Thanks Monica, for helping me point out the ovous to colin_t :good: Do u think he knows which one I am yet?! lol
  12. rachelh1

    Ok And Is Mine Of Pregnant Platies!

    Aaaaaaah bless, I can't get a good enough picture of mine. They are so sweet.
  13. rachelh1

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    The one with beige top on and gold chains on right with blonde hair
  14. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    Thanks for that 5teady, I will bear that in mind. Is it true she will now have babies every few weeks for the next few months?
  15. rachelh1

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    lol @ action man. I always prefered G I Joes!
  16. rachelh1

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Oooh cold shower?! Am I invited rofl :lol:
  17. rachelh1

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Hiya, I only joined this site a week ago, so I thought what a great way of introducing myself and getting to put a picture to everybody elses face! I'm the one on the end Me with my daughter
  18. rachelh1

    Ok And Is Mine Of Pregnant Platies!

    Congratulations Debbie, exactly a week after mine. So it turns out that only is 5teady cute but he's also very knowledgeable pmsl! Keep me updated if u find anymore, it's so exciting!
  19. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    Just wanted to update you that all babies are alive and well, I haven't had any die yet and there a week old today! Thanks for all your support!
  20. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    After approx 50 I waited a couple of hours and there was no more, she was very distressed and was flipping about alot so I decided it would be better to let her back into the main tank and take the risk that if she had anymore they would probably get eaten. She still looks very pregnant though...
  21. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    Approx 42no. at last count! The problem is now that I know how to identify a preggy platy I suspect that 2 of my rainbow platys r pregnant, and very squarish, so I fear that they are ready to drop any day now. I will post some pictures of them in the morning to see if anybody can confirm it.
  22. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    rofl, thanks for that, i don't think she is planning on stopping having babies any time soon, She's now eaten about 10 and there are approx 40 survivors and she is still fit to burst!
  23. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    How will I know when to take the mum out, her gravid is still black and she is still very swollen?
  24. rachelh1

    Ok And Is Mine Of Pregnant Platies!

    /me Blushes! :blush:
  25. rachelh1

    Ok And Is Mine Of Pregnant Platies!

    Has she had any frys yet Debbie?? I'm waited with baited breath for you. P.S Just seen 5teady's pic, ur right he is cute lol
  26. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    Currently on number 21 and still going strong! Shes ate about 7no. but still got 21 left
  27. rachelh1

    Ok And Is Mine Of Pregnant Platies!

    Ooooh Debbie, Mines has eaten 2 of her babies and there is only one left and she seems to have stopped giving birth :( Fingers crossed, urs will be soon, we can swap pics lol
  28. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    is it normal for her to have stopped after 3 babies? There has been no sign of anymore for the last 40 minutes
  29. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    2 babies managed to stay in the top part of the breeder and have now been eaten so only have 1 baby left at the minute, she seems to have stopped given birth but is flipping about alot angrily
  30. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    Thanks for all the advice from everyone. She is currently having baby number 3, but each baby is taking between 5 - 10 minutes, is this normal? Lol I can't believe I am being so impatient seens as it took me 24 hours to have 1 baby, I'm just so excited!
  31. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    News Update!!!! Just had it's first baby!
  32. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    I have a sneaky suspicion she is giving birth now, something is coming out of her that looks like a tail, but she has stopped midway, lets hope it's not just a poo, coz that would make me look right stupid lol Btw I don't mind being called Rach, every1 calls it me, whos 5teady? I'm new to the...
  33. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    I wouldn't mind at all, I would love to see ur pics Debbi. Fingers crossed, lets hope the stork brings us lots of fry rofl
  34. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    haha I was excited, now i'm petrified! Thanks for your help
  35. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    Wow, I'm really excited now. Is it a definate gravid spot that she has?
  36. rachelh1

    Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

    Hiya I'm new to this forum and aslo fairly new to keeping Tropical fish. My Blue Platy has become very rounded both at the sides and the bottom of her stomach. I have read the other posts on identifying pregnant platys but I'm still struggling. Her stomach has become very dark, I've read about...