Sorry I Know This Has Been Asked Before But.....

how is she acting? i guess some are just slower at giving birth than others, i have had one give birth at least every 30 seconds, maybe its only her first or second birthing
2 babies managed to stay in the top part of the breeder and have now been eaten so only have 1 baby left at the minute, she seems to have stopped given birth but is flipping about alot angrily
is it normal for her to have stopped after 3 babies? There has been no sign of anymore for the last 40 minutes
Currently on number 21 and still going strong! Shes ate about 7no. but still got 21 left
I'd put some plastic plants or some Java moss in there or something to help protect the babies. I did that with a molly and ended up with over 55 babies! She didnt really eat any as the plants were under the sloted bar adn the babies were hidding under them. But if i remeber right, babies have to come up to get air in their swim bladder, or they will die.
How will I know when to take the mum out, her gravid is still black and she is still very swollen?
okay this is quite possibly the most pregnant i have ever seen a fish lol
rofl, thanks for that, i don't think she is planning on stopping having babies any time soon, She's now eaten about 10 and there are approx 40 survivors and she is still fit to burst!
Currently on number 21 and still going strong! Shes ate about 7no. but still got 21 left

so much patiece you have!!!!! after about an hour I give up.....then I miss the best of it all. Good Lock you will be good parents!!!!!

Approx 42no. at last count! The problem is now that I know how to identify a preggy platy I suspect that 2 of my rainbow platys r pregnant, and very squarish, so I fear that they are ready to drop any day now. I will post some pictures of them in the morning to see if anybody can confirm it.
Ok the light encourages the babies to stay at the top and it also stressing her, it needs to be off you will find if you leave the light off for a couple of hours go back turn it on she will have had alot more fry and less will of been eaten as when the light is off they swim down the bottom and stay their.

congrats on fry by the way
Do you ahve a extre tank? If not, i would pick up a 10g and add some mature media to a small filte rand put the babies in there. Post pic's and we can give you guesses of when she'll drop. You'll know she is done when she is skinny.
Hi Rach

Ha congats on the babies and lots of em.....blimey sounds like she had a right batch of!


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