Ok And Is Mine Pregnant...lol....lots Of Pregnant Platies!


Feb 23, 2008
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West Yorkshire
Ok Rach has just asked the same and didnt want to be a nuisance and hijack Rach's post....I am beginning to think my platy is just a fatty, but seems to be showing signs of giving birth, hiding a lot, the males chasing her round, going to the bottom of the tank, then to the plants and then back into the castle I have in my tank...but thought I would post a couple of pics just to see if anyone thinks she is ready to give birth, or whether she is just a fat round little fish!

Thanks in advance

I can try and do a clearer pic if needed!


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We are not sick of you posting....:) That platy looks preggers. Probaly not very soon, but somewhat close.
We are not sick of you posting....:) That platy looks preggers. Probaly not very soon, but somewhat close.

Ok thanks for the reply, I thought she was close but now am not sure, was just looking for signs, and me not being the most patient of people, I have even taken to going up to my tank and talking to her, telling her to just let em go...now I know I am cracking up! :hyper:
Ok Rach has just asked the same and didnt want to be a nuisance and hijack Rach's post....I am beginning to think my platy is just a fatty, but seems to be showing signs of giving birth, hiding a lot, the males chasing her round, going to the bottom of the tank, then to the plants and then back into the castle I have in my tank...but thought I would post a couple of pics just to see if anyone thinks she is ready to give birth, or whether she is just a fat round little fish!

Thanks in advance

I can try and do a clearer pic if needed!

She should drop within the next few days... (1 week max)

Look for the following...

Dwelling near bottom

Hanging around near heater, filter, plants, corners of tank (top).

She will be very unsocial and not swim much when she is ready to drop, so look for the signs and good luck :)
Ok Rach has just asked the same and didnt want to be a nuisance and hijack Rach's post....I am beginning to think my platy is just a fatty, but seems to be showing signs of giving birth, hiding a lot, the males chasing her round, going to the bottom of the tank, then to the plants and then back into the castle I have in my tank...but thought I would post a couple of pics just to see if anyone thinks she is ready to give birth, or whether she is just a fat round little fish!

Thanks in advance

I can try and do a clearer pic if needed!

She should drop within the next few days... (1 week max)

Look for the following...

Dwelling near bottom

Hanging around near heater, filter, plants, corners of tank (top).

She will be very unsocial and not swim much when she is ready to drop, so look for the signs and good luck :)

OOOhhhh my hero :rolleyes: lol...well she has been doing just that since yesterday morning...not swimming much at all, infact she has been in the same place most of the day apart from when the daddy comes near her...typical man eh? Still after a bit of 'hows ya father' even when she is ready to give birth. Thanks for the info.

i wish you all the best ( i pm`d you)

you are going to be one proud granny :):)


Aww thanks for the pm Shelagh....it is much appreciated...I shall let you know when the event happens, ha yep one proud granny I will be!

Ooooh Debbie, Mines has eaten 2 of her babies and there is only one left and she seems to have stopped giving birth :(

Fingers crossed, urs will be soon, we can swap pics lol
Ooooh Debbie, Mines has eaten 2 of her babies and there is only one left and she seems to have stopped giving birth :(

Fingers crossed, urs will be soon, we can swap pics lol
Well she may have more yet? One of my molly's gave birth to 2 fry, and then a week later a whole batch of them appeared....don't ask me how but that is what happened.

Yep I will send pics when she decides to drop...let me know if she has any more?

Has she had any frys yet Debbie?? I'm waited with baited breath for you.
P.S Just seen 5teady's pic, ur right he is cute lol
Has she had any frys yet Debbie?? I'm waited with baited breath for you.
P.S Just seen 5teady's pic, ur right he is cute lol

:good: your right though he is cute :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ha ha! We might have to start the 5teady fan club :p :p :p :p

Rach...nope nothing yet, I put her in the breeding trap last night but nothing, so have taken her out this morning, she did not like it in there at all. so we will just have to see!

If i was you debbie, i would just let her have them in the mian tank and keep a eye on her, soon as you notice that her belly has slimmed, start looking for the fry in the plants and corners of tank (top and bottom) or anywhere they could hide. The fish them out and put them in the trap :)

Good luck, keep us updated :)

Just to add, open your lid and look at her from overhead, you will notice her belly is very wide, when she drops, it will have thinned as well and can be easier to tell than a side view.
Hi 5teady

Ok yep think I will leave her in the main tank now, and yep I will keep you updated!


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