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  1. bumbleweasle

    What To Expect From An Ageing Black Widow Tetra?

    Aloha.. my single black widow tetra (who is single because he was rescued & I do not keep BWTs normally) is over 6 yrs old. I googled their life-expectancy & got results varying between 3 & 5 yrs in captivity/aquarium settings. Can anyone say if this is true? That would make him pretty...
  2. bumbleweasle

    Eleocharis Parvula...

    Probably! :lol: Cheers, Ian.
  3. bumbleweasle

    Eleocharis Parvula...

    hehe, I must have remembered that slightly wrong.. ;) Is it worth planting the brown ones, d'ye reckon?
  4. bumbleweasle

    Eleocharis Parvula...

    Alrighty! I got me some e. parvula midweek, but then my back decided it was time for a painful flare-up, so wasn't able to plant them straight away.. :rolleyes: So after their rinsing/quarantine period I just put the plants, still in their pots, into the tank until I could get to them...
  5. bumbleweasle

    Preparing Cat Litter For Use As Substrate

    Believe it or not I'm still in the process of washing it, lol.. but that's got nothing to do with the dustiness, more the size of my tank and the state of my back, hehehe.. can only manage wee bits at a time! It'll probably need a final rinse by the time I actually use it! :blink: but yeh...
  6. bumbleweasle

    Rebirth (Na Style)

    Aww, CPDs. :D I do love teeny fish.. Pics look great!
  7. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Hmm.. well some of the crypts are definitely showing some new growth.. is slow, but it's happening, & it looks pretty! :hyper: Others.. well they're still just melted wee stubs with roots. Still leaving 'em in for a whiley since the roots might still be OK. And attempting to cultivate some...
  8. bumbleweasle

    Safe Glue?

    Hey, I found the gel form of cyanoacrylate superglue to be fairly precise.. I got this one from eBay:
  9. bumbleweasle

    Bolbitis Heudelotii

    Hi there, I have bolbitis in my low-tech tank with trumpet snails. It's doing really well! :) You can get some here:
  10. bumbleweasle

    Preparing Cat Litter For Use As Substrate

    lol, yeh, I was gonna say, "low-dust" my a**... ;) Cheers folks, was just a bit concerned that the clay was dissolving but yeh it looks tough as anything, so I guess I just have to be persistent!
  11. bumbleweasle

    Preparing Cat Litter For Use As Substrate

    Yeh it's moler clay, and I'm sure I read on here that I should wash it to get rid of the odour control stuff. Re. capping.. wouldn't the sand end up underneath it with time?
  12. bumbleweasle

    Preparing Cat Litter For Use As Substrate

    Hey hey.. I'm using the Tesco "Low Dust" (HA!) Lightweight Cat Litter that seems to be recommended everywhere, and cleaning it by half-filling a bucket with it, then running the water in whilst stirring it all with a mop handle, & pouring the pink water off the top. It doesn't smell of weird...
  13. bumbleweasle

    Weeping Moss (Vesicularia Ferriei 'weeping')

    I'd like 2 please if ye can PM me, ta!
  14. bumbleweasle

    Plant Warning

    Cheers, Ian. :)
  15. bumbleweasle

    Light Green Xmas Moss (See Photos)

    I'd like some, please!
  16. bumbleweasle

    Weeping Moss (Vesicularia Ferriei 'weeping')

    How much you got left? x
  17. bumbleweasle

    What Kind Of Fish

    I've got some golden white clouds & they're cute wee things, they love swimming around in my grassy plants. :) I'm also a bit fan of ember tetras, though they can be hard to find methinks...
  18. bumbleweasle

    Ian's Nano Cube

    :wub: Well, I'd love to apply these kinda nano techniques to my 4ft-er for an epic panorama type thing!
  19. bumbleweasle

    Ian's Nano Cube

    :D This looks awesome!
  20. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Hehehe, that's very tempting.. :) Think the first lot are finally gettng past their melt, I'll be in there clearing out the last few strands of bleh over the next few days.. can't wait for them to grow back! :)
  21. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Hope ye all had a good time over Christmas/Hannukah/Xmyth/whatever.. I got £100 to spend on my fishtank! :wub: Hmm.. new plants, fish.. I dunno! What d'ye reckon, folks? xXx
  22. bumbleweasle

    Scapeing Help?

    I would suggest it's the branch/log-like piece on the right that you could maybe take out or move.. :) I like the main focus in the 3rd pic, it'd look great on its own... or you could try moving that branch like this (hastily) edited version of your first pic:
  23. bumbleweasle

    Plant Donations

    not stalking me, eh? That would explain my straight blonde hair, right enough.. :P
  24. bumbleweasle

    Plant Donations

    What? There were, like, 48 ferrero rocher in there when I posted it!!! Bloomin' posties. :whistle: :rofl:
  25. bumbleweasle

    Plant Donations

    Meant to post this last night.. I didn't get a response from lilfishie or fishyfeet, so sorry guys but you missed out this time as it wasn't practical for me to keep hold of them any longer. Ron, this means you got all the green stem plants. Yours & Nathan's plants are now in the post...
  26. bumbleweasle

    Plant Donations

    My lovely other half has offered to pay the postage for the spreading of plant-based joy throughout the land. :lol: So! NathanPrince has claimed the red ludwigia, pink rotala, crypts. Leaving green ludwigia (marked "?rotala" in the pic), the indian fern, and the .. erm.. unidentified one...
  27. bumbleweasle

    Plant Donations

    Sorry about the delay folks, ended up out sorting some family stuff out.. Will come back on here when I get home in an hour or two & sort it out for you all. xx
  28. bumbleweasle

    Plant Donations

    :good: Any particular plants, lilfishie?
  29. bumbleweasle

    Plant Donations

    Sorry guys but I'm only looking for the plants I mentioned before.. else you'll need to pay postage, please, via paypal. I'm a skint student, & there are quite a lot of plants here, so hopefully that's reasonable!! Will check the prices tomorrow, am happy to split up into two batches if you...
  30. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    lol, cheers Ian.. LD branch is AWESOME!!! :) Got my first lot of new crypts today.. not sure which ones are which, to be honest! :) there were LOADS more than I expected for 13 quid, & a bunch of extra stuff I never asked for & all! (see donations thread, hehe) I really need a light...
  31. bumbleweasle

    Plant Donations

    (UK) Anyone want these? Got 'em free with some other plants I ordered.. As you can tell I'm not too sure of the IDs, lol.. Ideally I'd like to swap for any of the following: xmas moss, crypt.parva, needle-leaf java fern, ech.tenellus; but am happy to just take postage if no one has...
  32. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Thanks Ian, I do like those Mi Oyas! :) These guys don't have 'em, so I might have to wait til next month.. this lot will only cost me £12.99, but am having to pretend i have no cash at the moment, since I might soon have to spend stupid amounts of it for the sake of my health & career.. But...
  33. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Time to order plants! :D Reckonin' on a bunch o' crypts.. I can get these fairly cheaply: balansae beckettii pontederiifolia walkeri wendtii Maybe some echinodorous? The ET is doing well, so maybe I can try one or two of these: ech.augustifolia ech.latifolius ech.quadricostatus Not...
  34. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Yey! I love my new filter.. more space for plants!! :) Tank looks completely dark during the day in its new spot, & all! Couldn't quite get the layout back the way it was, but am still playing around with it: Started playing around with the aperture priority thingummy on my camera (just...
  35. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Tank successfully moved, Eheim 2217 installed, Fluval 4+ banished forever!!! :yahoo:
  36. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

  37. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Aah, nice one! I'll set it up this weekend once the tank's moved, then! Cheers mate. :D The fluval only has the sponges, but yeh I was planning on just folding/squishing/cutting 'em into the Eheim for a whiley..
  38. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Cheers minnnt.. This weekend is the Great Tank Move of 2011, hehe.. wish me & my fish luck! Also, yey! My filter arrived! 2nd hand Eheim 2217 from eBay. Not sure if I can set it up this weekend though, since it only has the blue sponge and 3 bags of biomech. Do I need floss & ceramic...
  39. bumbleweasle

    Low-Tech 140L

    Hehe, cheers mate! :lol: Yeh, I've seen some really nice scapes that are quite crypt-heavy.. they work nicely with bogwoods & such.. :) I was going to plan out a proper scape, but I'm still learning which plants suit my tank (and me!), so I reckon this will be a more gradual thing.. sadly my...