Ian's Nano Cube

Cool, I think it will work mate, just takes a little patience and fiddling, I had it with my pico and I'm still fiddling to get it right, I have a HC carpet in there now but in the shade under the tree it's still bare so I'm constantly trying to get it to look right.
was just about to start replying with "pick one which creates a canyon feature for a sense of depth" and low and behold......the introduction of the 3 smaller pieces at the front has heightened that feeling as well.
Bingo! Much better. You're getting better with your rocks, Ian. ;)

I'm always moving my rocks from side to side.

Thanks for the input guys and girls. I have just nipped into P@H and they have just had the Tropica delivery, got some lovely glosso.

as for stocking, i am thinking some micro rasboras or some of those Badis...would i get away with those Steve??
microrasboras would look nice... i sa a tank at a "notso"-L FS the other day... it has little celestial pearl danios in it... really beautiful IMO
I have just nipped into P@H and they have just had the Tropica delivery, got some lovely glosso.

Hopefully, my experience was just a one-off, but once I bought a marimo moss ball from P@H and the next day or so, my betta ended up with a fungal infection. I'm thinking it must have come in from the moss ball as he was fine beforehand.
these were straight out of the Tropica box... :good: I also got rid of that awful pink bulb from the arcpod and got a normal bulb from B&Q. The glosso has been planted, and i have some more plants coming tomorrow.

the glosso.

close up top by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

top view by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

Glosso by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

sorry for all the pics.
Looking good, I rather like glosso :) if I ever have a tank for it, I think I'll get some. Are you going to have any other plants in there?

You could make it a shrimp tank, its a nice size for one :)

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