Scapeing Help?


i need to stop buying plants....
Sep 26, 2011
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ok heres what im thinking

i was thinking of useing riccia on slate from the back left following the hill down then merge into another carpet plant. moss over some bits of wood as well
some crypts at the back maybe to flow over the rock and wood?


any comments / constructive criticism welcome

the plants on the wood are moss
in the forgorund the light and green spray is riccia/ a moss of some sort or HC
towards the back are crypts and the light green wiggly plants are Pogostemon helferi (i think) i like the look of it iv not got it...)
the plant at the back the tall one would hide the filter and be Hygrophila angustifolia
personally i would leave the wood out.

have a read of this Mike, cos i can see you going down this path.

and this

hope this helps a little.
yer it does help alot. personally i like the wood with moss over it it softens the whole scape?

iv had a read though i like that style a lot and some useful things =D

although i might change the angle of the rock to form a V shape with the pointy log

theres 3 bits of wood in there and 1 rock =]
this work better?

loving the way the lights falling on the rock atm



which one out of the 3?

im liking the 3rd one the best... but should i angle the back bit of wood differently?
I would suggest it's the branch/log-like piece on the right that you could maybe take out or move.. :)
I like the main focus in the 3rd pic, it'd look great on its own... or you could try moving that branch like this (hastily) edited version of your first pic:

i dont like that as much as the other scapes. im quite liking the branch on the last one leading the eye to the middle

thanks for the help tho =]
i like the 3rd one, without the ugly thick branch leaning against the glass. remove that and you got a nice start to a scape imo!
i like the 3rd one, without the ugly thick branch leaning against the glass. remove that and you got a nice start to a scape imo!


Lose the stick, too thick and the square cut end is horrible :good:
iv just suck moss onto the stick (weeping moss, in short supply). so it can stay there until its established then i might remove it / lay it down at the back or sell it.

thanks for the opinions =] i probably will lose the stick in the future


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