Bolbitis Heudelotii


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales
Hey all,

I'm currently enjoying growing low maintainance plants in my high flow tropical tank (java moss [and others], trident java fern, java fern).

I missed this B. heudelotii and would like to have some in the tank tied to some redmoor.

My tank is well oxygenated, over filtered, with good flow.

I currently ahve plenty of ramshorn snails (which I like), they seem to take some interest in bothe java fern and trident variety (unfortunately), I'm trying to track down more assassins at the mo...

Does anyone keep this plant with snails? And, is there a UK based seller?

Hi there, I have bolbitis in my low-tech tank with trumpet snails. It's doing really well! :) You can get some here:
Bolbitis does fine in my low tech with ramshorns and pond snails. Beware buying plants from Asia if you have shrimp in your tanks though, try and find Tropica or Aquafleur from somewhere like Aqua Essentials or The Green machine. If you don't have shrimp in the tank then disregard.
Bolbitis does fine in my low tech with ramshorns and pond snails. Beware buying plants from Asia if you have shrimp in your tanks though, try and find Tropica or Aquafleur from somewhere like Aqua Essentials or The Green machine. If you don't have shrimp in the tank then disregard.

Thanks I have shrimp incoming in feb, and am aware of the pesti/fungi-cide problem, nasty extreme stuff they are using, similar effect to Sheep Dip!

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