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  1. halfmoonbetta

    Betta Fry ?'s

    a few of my My 8 week old betta fry, I noticed, have a slight white edge to their anal fins.i'm not sure if its,just the fin growing? And two of my fry clamped up, and stay either on the bottom or up in the corner. Any ideas? Should I treat? Sorry no pics.
  2. halfmoonbetta

    Some Updated Pics.

    Blizzard, is a very handsome boy!
  3. halfmoonbetta

    Is My Female Really A Male?

    I agree, looks like you gotta girl bully!
  4. halfmoonbetta

    Breeding Robin

    How old is belle?
  5. halfmoonbetta

    Because We All Like Photo's...just Wondered About Tail Types?

    How about Butter, for the gold plat. she (or maybe he) is about the same color.
  6. halfmoonbetta


    How can I tell if my infusoria culture actually contains infusoria, and I'm not just putting fowled water into my fry tank? I've tried a magnifying glass and I just can't see anything. My culture is about 10 days old and is very cloudy. It was started from lettuce leaves. I just don't want to...
  7. halfmoonbetta

    Howdy Folks..

    Hi, first I want to thank you for your help. Fry an dad are doing great. I'm new to betta's, I raised and showed gups for like 6 years. but wanted try my hand with bettas. Started with 6 (4 females 2 males). Now I have like 256 with the fry. Yeah there was alot more than I thought.
  8. halfmoonbetta

    Very Picky Eater

    I would be careful feeding to much of the freeze dried bloodworms, or freeze dried anything. The occasional treat (once or twice a week) but too much will cause constipation. I also feed pea's once a week, but I don't fast.
  9. halfmoonbetta


    My Fusoria culture is just about ready, I also have microworms but that culture is coming along vey slow, not yet crawling up the sides it has been set up since Wednesday night. I also have BSE, for next week. The fry seem pretty healthy, and strong. They swim up from the bottom to the top...
  10. halfmoonbetta


    I've took a little advice from everyone. Since the dad is doing such a good job, but it seems to be futile, he just couldn't keep up. I took half of the fry out with a turkey baster very gently, and put them in a container with an inch of water and floated it in the tank. Those fry are doing...
  11. halfmoonbetta


    they are hatching! I'm not watching too much. I'm just worried about the fry, this is my first spawn but I do no the nest isn't supposed to dissinagrate. The nest is too thin and is coming apart. I believe thats why the fry and eggs keep falling. The male is being a good dad and running like...
  12. halfmoonbetta


    The bubblenests is coming apart!!! now what??
  13. halfmoonbetta


    There's probably between 75-100. Almost all the eggs have fallen out of the nest. They're just not sticking. I don't no what I should do!
  14. halfmoonbetta


    I'm not going to remove if I can help it. But the eggs are just not staying in the nest. He blows them and they just fall again. :(
  15. halfmoonbetta


    My bettas spawn yesterday around 1pm. So 28 hrs ago. The eggs will not stay in the nest all of a sudden. My mal will blow 5 in a 6 will fall! there's like 20-25 eggs on the bottom of the tank. Is this normal? Will they hatch? Should I do anything? This is my first atempt at a spawn, so I was...
  16. halfmoonbetta

    Does This Look Like Fin Damage?

    Its hard to say from that pic. I will say he is a stunning veiltail!! Has he been flaring alot? This causes the tail to split sometimes. It doesn't look like fin rot to me. Like I said it's hard to say from those pics. But if you woud like to ship him out to me I would be happy to take a closer...
  17. halfmoonbetta

    New Pics

    Beauties! :good:
  18. halfmoonbetta

    Tank Size And Type Of Filter

    I would go with a 5 gal. tank and a sponge filter. But it matters what you have for space and prefrence. There are many choices, this is just what I would do.
  19. halfmoonbetta

    Breeding Bettas

    You really should just search the web, and get some information. Breeding bettas is alot of responsibility and work. Take some time and look into it before you jump in.
  20. halfmoonbetta

    Attention Everyone!...

    First, congrats. I'm very happy for you. :good: :good: I'm also a bit jealous, I can't wait for my first batch of fry.
  21. halfmoonbetta

    Female Betta In A 2.5/5 Gallon

    A 2.5 or 5 would be great. The 25w would work just fine in either tank. Personally I would do 25% changes twice a week. Try pet solutions for a hood and light. Good luck
  22. halfmoonbetta

    My Fish Pics

    The male is in a betta barracks, he can't get to the females. There's actually 4 females in that tank. They get along fine after the first couple of days.
  23. halfmoonbetta

    How Do I Upload

    Thanks Tibby, I got it!
  24. halfmoonbetta

    My Fish Pics

    The males munched on their tales in shipping. The bottom two Royal Blue bettas I'm going to spawn next week
  25. halfmoonbetta

    My Betta Dont Like Bloodworms

    I tried to feed my fish freeze dried and they won't touch em'. But they love the frozen ones
  26. halfmoonbetta

    How Do I Upload

    Everytime I try to upload a pic of my fish it says the file size is to large! there just regular photos! Can someone help me please? :angry: :angry:
  27. halfmoonbetta

    Two White Dots

    After closer inspection, by way of flashlight it appears just to be damaged scales (thanks Loraxchick). She's a bit of a bully, so she probably was fighting with another girl. She also has a bit of skin or something hanging from her chin. But atleast it's not ich. Thanks everyone for your input.
  28. halfmoonbetta

    Two White Dots

    One of my Blue females has two white dots on her head. I noticed them yesterday morning, I first thought ick, but since i am waiting for medication in the mail, and she acts fine. I just seperated her and I will watch to see if theres any changes in her behavior or the dots. I'm not sure how...
  29. halfmoonbetta

    They Made It

    My fish and I lucked out. They were in transit and showed up the same day power came back on. Luckily we only lost it for two days.
  30. halfmoonbetta

    Help Female Betta Extreamly Poorly

    Sounds like cotton wool disease (a.k.a. columnaris). Methylene blue works best, or maroxy.
  31. halfmoonbetta

    Flash Harry

    I don't really know much about CT's but he is something. Nice find :good: :good:
  32. halfmoonbetta

    Just A Message To Say...

    MERRY X-MAS to you and all.
  33. halfmoonbetta

    A Quick Question...

    Try aquabid. They have all kinds of bettas at reasonable prices.
  34. halfmoonbetta

    Males Don't Blow Bubbles

    neither of my boys have actually blown a single bubble. maybe it is because they can see each other, but they act fine. They don't seem stressed or too overly concerned with one another. ohh well, I'm not going to stress over it either, they seem to be fine. Thanks folks for the input. Adam
  35. halfmoonbetta

    The Worst Day, By Far Of My Life..

    That is aweful! We lost power here in NH for 5 days last week. Luckily my side of town was the only art of So. NH that got power back same night and my betta's we're in transit. I was worried sick that the fish would show and I wouldn't have heat for them. (YAY! UPS just delivered my Attisons...
  36. halfmoonbetta

    Males Don't Blow Bubbles

    I have two beautiful, healthy HM males in betta barracks inside a 10 gal tank, with 4 females in the tank. I have been waiting to see the males blow some bubblenest, but so far they haven't blown any. Is this normal?
  37. halfmoonbetta

    Betta Got Stuck To Filter

    she sure blows alot of bubbles! I hope she is ok. Seems very strange that a healthy adult betta would get stuck in a filter.
  38. halfmoonbetta

    My "rainbow" Bettas, Pictures & Video!

    I guess that explains it. Thats one of the biggest things I admire about bettas, there courage, heart, and fighting spirit. I'm not knocking it, I just couldn't do it. There to beautiful.
  39. halfmoonbetta

    Divided 10gal, Inspired By Heygetsmart

    Nice setup. I'm gonna have to try something like that. :good:
  40. halfmoonbetta

    My "rainbow" Bettas, Pictures & Video!

    Beautiful fish, very game, but why take the chance that they'll tear each other up!