A Quick Question...


New Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Since I seem to be responsible for a couple of bettas of Sakura's going missing, Im looking to find her a couple more. But, knowing next to nothing about them, can someone here tell me what to look for in a male? She had a halfmoon, a platinum, and a feathertail that are now MIA. Id like to surprise her, as she's so upset she wont come to the store with me. Ive seen the tail types page, and understand the difference in tail types, but I dont know what makes a tail type, perfect. If that makes sense. And I didnt see the last two on the page, so can someone tell me more about them? Im trying to not ask Sakura to much about them, as she's trying very hard not to be angry at me until after December. Please answer soon, as Im hoping to keep her from seeing this thread until after the holidays are over and maybe even until she stops looking at me like I killed her dog...

And is there anything that can be done to help the other bettas she has? She hit panic mode last night when she got home from the hospital and tested her water. She jumped up saying something about 4.0 ammonia, and I spent the next 6 hours doing water changes. Is there anything else, other than those massive water changes that I can do to fix it? I was really hoping not to stress her out....

Plz Help!
going missing? like they died or what?
and 4.0 is realy bad it should be 0.0 or it can burn the fish, and dont forget the water treater, or conditoner or whatecver she used cause some tap water can be harmfull for fish wiothout it...

just ask her very nicely how u could help take care of the and have her sit and watch while you clean or feed or whatever,, that might help, and aqua bid can have some nice fish just be carful if and who u buy from over the net..
as in....a somehow while i was in the hospital, half a tub of fish food magically ended up in my tanks.....and I KNOW it couldnt have been Scott, because surely he would have listened to all the advice he got in the 5 page emergency post he put up. And I KNOW that he's not going to complain about the massive water changes he gets to do for Idk, the next month? And Im sure that his use of passive terms isn't at all meant to try and take the edge of of my babies dieing from a completly and utterly avoidable ammonia spike.

Like I said, Im sure I must be imagining this post.


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