My Betta Dont Like Bloodworms


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
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Somewhere in the U.S.
Hello people,

I recently purchased a small bottle of bloodworms from a pet store near my house. I had been trying to feed my betta with bloodworms but he rarely eat it. Eventually, I was forced to scoop out bloodworms and give him pellet food instead, which he gladly consumed. Is it possible for a betta to not like bloodworms?
Unless it's a case of bloodworms for breakfast, bloodworms for lunch, bloodworms for supper.... he should be enjoying the occassional feed...... (mine does)
are they alive?
if not he may think its just his poo lol
my fish was the same
try putting them on the surface and blowing them across his tank.
it usually catches there attention.
are they alive?
if not he may think its just his poo lol
my fish was the same
try putting them on the surface and blowing them across his tank.
it usually catches there attention.

If they are alive he'll love them, never feed dead worms either as they can pollute the water quickly esp if it's a small tank.
yeh i agree with above.
i get my blood worms from a water trough.
then clean them and feed them to my betta and my barramundi.
by the way im new
hello eveyone
I use frozen ones, melt them down and feed them one at a time with tweezers :) Spoilt little bettas!

BTW, hi Barra! Start a new topic and introduce yourself properly. you have to include betta pics, its like the law :p

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