Two White Dots


New Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Seabrook nh
One of my Blue females has two white dots on her head. I noticed them yesterday morning, I first thought ick, but since i am waiting for medication in the mail, and she acts fine. I just seperated her and I will watch to see if theres any changes in her behavior or the dots. I'm not sure how fast ick spreads but in 36 hrs there were no changes. She doesn't seem to try and scratch herself against the tank. I will get some pics tomorrow.
Hi, halfmoonbetta,
if that should turn out to be ick, you should be aware that if one fish in a tank has it, it should be assumed that they all do.
So if that's the case, when the meds arrive, everybody exposed will need treatment, as it doesn't always make itself obvious until it's widespread.
Best of luck, in any event.
treat everybody, and any tanks or equipment that could remotely possibley come in contact with her.
Fortunately, ich (if it is indeed what you -or rather your fish have), is not rapidly fatal, and gives you ample time for treatment... whatever treatment you should decide on (if positively identified) do it in conjunction with a slight rise in temperature... I've ALWAYS found the latter to be effective.
After closer inspection, by way of flashlight it appears just to be damaged scales (thanks Loraxchick). She's a bit of a bully, so she probably was fighting with another girl. She also has a bit of skin or something hanging from her chin. But atleast it's not ich. Thanks everyone for your input.
One of my Blue females has two white dots on her head. I noticed them yesterday morning, I first thought ick, but since i am waiting for medication in the mail, and she acts fine. I just seperated her and I will watch to see if theres any changes in her behavior or the dots. I'm not sure how fast ick spreads but in 36 hrs there were no changes. She doesn't seem to try and scratch herself against the tank. I will get some pics tomorrow.

Ich spreads extremely fast. By now, your fish would be covered in dots. Not to scare you or anything, but I once had a fish that got ich and died three days later. Chances are, it's not ich. It's probably just a blemish. :unsure:

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