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  1. afireinside

    Your One Deserted Island Cd?

    Oh crap... that would be so tough for me to choose. But I'm gonna cheat and bring a double sided mix disc of all my favorite songs. Hahaha.
  2. afireinside

    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    I'm currently reading a book called "Shadow Fires". It is quite good so far. I'm about to start "The Silence of the Lambs" for a health asignment in school. lol
  3. afireinside

    What Are You Listening To?

    Avenged Sevenfold - Unholy Confessions Album: Waking the Fallen Genre: Metal/ Hardcore
  4. afireinside

    Any Divers Here?

    Oh yeah, I have a scuba licence. I need to get it updated though, so I don't have to go with an adult.
  5. afireinside

    Learning To Play Guitar

    Thank you for the wonderful compliment Retardo. Haha. I didn't even know you still came here. And yes, my brother did bust a nut. lol. You can replace those, right? That's where I've been finding all my tabs.
  6. afireinside

    What Are You Listening To?

    Yeah. I listen to my alternative every once in a while. I normally listen to hardcore though, like I am right now. For the Fallen Dreams - New Beginings Album: Changes Genre: Hardcore/ Metal
  7. afireinside

    What Are You Listening To?

    Slipknot - Wait and Bleed Album: Slipknot Genre: Metal
  8. afireinside

    Learning To Play Guitar

    Okay, but I was able to get most of the As I Lay Dying song down. lol. But now I can't, because my brother somehow managed to break the thing that holds the strings in place, so now he needs to get a new one.
  9. afireinside

    What Are You Listening To?

    Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal Album: ANThology Genre: Alternative Haha, I haven't listened to that song in forever.
  10. afireinside

    Favorite Punk Songs Of All Time

    The KKK Took My Baby Away - The Ramones Anarchy in the UK - The Sex Pistols I Turned Into A Martian - The Misfits And a bunch of other songs by the earlier Misfits.
  11. afireinside

    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    I'm currently reading "A Thousand Splendid Suns". It's pretty good so far.
  12. afireinside

    What Are You Listening To?

    Korn - Evolution Album: Untitled Genre: Metal
  13. afireinside

    What Are You Listening To?

    Tool's songs are too repetative. They're talented alright, but too repatative. The Misfits - Bullet Album: Misfits Genre: Horrorpunk
  14. afireinside

    Learning To Play Guitar

    Thanks. I tried doing some finger streches today, and I was able to do them semi-good after Captain Retardo showed me. lol.
  15. afireinside

    Learning To Play Guitar

    Okay, so I'm learning to play guitar right now. I'd rather teach myself, rather than go to someone were you have to pay them. I can read tabs perfect fine, I know how to tune, detune, all that stuff. Right now, the only thing I have available to play on is a Fender Starcaster Acoustic. If...
  16. afireinside

    Any Guitarists?

    Yeah, I'm starting to learn to play. I need help, so I'm going to post something about it. It's just a Fender Starcaster Acoustic.
  17. afireinside

    Surfing Anonomously eh? I shall try this. Stupid school blocking everything good. I'm lucky if I even find a game that works, because they're dumb and take all the games off the computer! That's right, no hearts, solitare, pinball, none of it.
  18. afireinside

    Surfing Anonomously

    GAHH! I was able to get on this page from school, but it wouldn't let me use that site. I wanted to go on YouTube badly. lol.
  19. afireinside

    Whats Your Beats?

    No. How don't you get sick of listening to pop. It's way to repetative.
  20. afireinside

    Oscar And Parrot Cichlid

    Ok, so I looked today, and I'm pretty sure the parrot cichlid is a female. I almost didn't see anything on the Oscar, so I'm asuming it's a male. But don't take my word on it.
  21. afireinside

    Whats Your Beats?

    lol, I just don't like completely metal. I like as I said Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Eagles, Jimi Hendrix, The Doobie Brothers, U2, etc. And you want to know something? The Misfts have been around for a long time, 30 years to be exact. Yup, they formed in 1977.
  22. afireinside

    Oscar And Parrot Cichlid

    That's the exact question I'm trying to figure out. They could possibly be trying, but I don't know for sure. I was out of the state when they made the ditch, so if they tried I never saw.
  23. afireinside

    Whats Your Beats?

    Haha, I'm not demented or anything. I just like the heavier style music, and sometimes they have good lyrics, lol. Easy. You pop the cd in and you listen to it. ;)
  24. afireinside

    Oscar And Parrot Cichlid

    Yeah, camera isn't workin well at the moment. But the parrot cichlid would most likely be a girl, right? Aren't male male parrot cichlids sterile most of the time?
  25. afireinside

    Whats Your Beats?

    Yup. I consider them light. Compared to most of the stuff I listen to, that's the lightest. BUT lately, I've gotten into some classical.
  26. afireinside

    Oscar And Parrot Cichlid

    The parrot cichlid dug a ditch to expand its territory?
  27. afireinside

    Oscar And Parrot Cichlid

    So, I noticed that when I came home from vacation, about two weeks ago, one of the fish dug a huge trench by a huge rock we have. The parrot cichlid seems to be guarding that trench, while the oscar is guarding the upper part of the tank. I can't see anything in the trench, so I don't think...
  28. afireinside


    Nah, not yet. We still are searchin for our singer. But we've had practices before, you can be sure of that.
  29. afireinside

    What Are You Listening To?

    Those are all good bands. 3 Inches of Blood - The Goatriders Horde Album: Fire Up the Blades Genre: Power Metal
  30. afireinside


    Yeah dude, metal's tight. I'm in a semi-metal band. We kinda mix a bunch of genres together, but I play drums and keyboard. Little bass guitar. Metal's awesome.
  31. afireinside

    Is It Snowing?

    I'd say we have over a foot of snow at were I live in Minnesota. But, where I am right now in Norht Dakota, maybe 2 or 3 inches. :(
  32. afireinside

    What Are You Listening To?

    Sky Eats Airplane - Patterns Album: Everything Perfect on the Wrong Day Genre: Metalcore/ Electronica
  33. afireinside

    Fall Out Boy, All American Rejects, Relient K

    And it should work for other people too.
  34. afireinside

    My Solo Project

    I have a small little side project I've started, aside from my other bands. I'm in two heavier style bands, and I wanted to try something lighter, so I started a little solo thing I have re-named Balance Reversed. It's really light and experimental. I'm going to incorperate elements of...
  35. afireinside

    Not Sure Where To Put This

    Sure... he's real. I stopped believing in him during the 5th grade. I never told my parents though. lol.
  36. afireinside

    Fall Out Boy, All American Rejects, Relient K

    Exactly. I mean, if you don't like something ignore. People will hate you for ranting on about something that other people like. It's pointless. Your never going to get what you want. Anyone who does that is pathetic. Personally, I don't like rap or hip hop, so I just choose to ignore it...
  37. afireinside

    Fall Out Boy, All American Rejects, Relient K

    lol. Thanks. Seriously, music is my life. I've gotten a lot out of music. Everyone has the right to make the music they want. Just a few facts you might not know: Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley of KISS are both jewish. Johnny Ramone of The Ramones was a conservative. The list goes on.
  38. afireinside

    Fall Out Boy, All American Rejects, Relient K

    That's what a former guitarist for The Misfits told me. He has influenced a lot of my inspiration. Bobby Steele is the guitarist I'm refering too.
  39. afireinside

    Fall Out Boy, All American Rejects, Relient K

    Oh really? What's so wrong with Christian. It's their song, their music. They can sing about whatever they'd like. No restrictions. What's so right about satanic bands? Hmm? Or how about jewish bands... there have to be some of them out there. The point is, people have their beliefs and...
  40. afireinside

    Fall Out Boy, All American Rejects, Relient K

    I don't know, I'm just not a big fan that has a really big "pop" sound.