A Shrine To Madness
Okay, so I'm learning to play guitar right now. I'd rather teach myself, rather than go to someone were you have to pay them. I can read tabs perfect fine, I know how to tune, detune, all that stuff. Right now, the only thing I have available to play on is a Fender Starcaster Acoustic. If Captain Retardo comes over, I get to play his Ibanez RGB 321 but, that's only if he brings it. So, anyway, I thought I'd just learn by reading tabs. So, I tried doing As I Lay Dying - Separation, because it sounded like a simpler instrumental peice. It's going okay, but not the best. I have to detune to drop C on the guitar, so it doesn't sound the best on acoustic. I can't find any good websites to help me learn. Do you guys know any? I'm looking to play more rock/ metal style stuff. Thanks!