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  1. M


    The ammonia reading was 1ppm yesterday so i did a 60% water change.
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    Thanks for that, i really hope not it's really hard work changing so much water so often! My back still hurts from last time lol!! I panicked when i saw the ammonia, hopefully all will be fine, i have 12 platy fry at the mo, wouldn't wanna lose them :)
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    My cycle was finished around a week ago, i waited the 7 qualifying days of 12 hourly double zeros and did an 100% water change. I replaced one of the filter pads (the one that i used to seed my filter, it was almost black with gunge). I now realise that this must have been a big mistake as i...
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    Sand Or Gravel?

    I've used both and tbh they both have pros and cons. gravel seems easier to clean but it does harbour a lot of muck!! sand looks great, especially with wood and rocks and plants. i find i get a lot of poop on the surface, it's fairly easy to syphon off. the thing i dislike about sand is that...
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    Baby Platies, Help!

    I bought 6 platies today from M.A. (2 male, 4 female) On the way home one of them gave birth and now i have around 10 fry that i've put into a breeder trap in my main tank. When and how do i feed them? I've used Liquifry before but don't have any currently. I bought some powdered fry food...
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    Juwel 3D Backgrounds

    I got the clay ones a few days ago. I thought they were going to be amazing quality and look great BUT i don't think so, i also spent the same as you. They are not easy to cut and often some of the paint comes off as you break them. My tank has 2 pieces that i cut to size and because it's 2...
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    Why Do Pleco S Need Bogwood

    just wondered if mopani wood is ok, or does it have to be bogwood?
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    L_Plates - Fishless Cycle Log - Complete

    congrats!!! :good: it's fish for me on saturday also!!! :hyper:
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    New Tank, New Fishless Cycle!

    Same results as yesterday, come on!! I've added bicarb so pH has been stable at 7.2 I will test it tonight just to make sure, thanks :)
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    New Tank, New Fishless Cycle!

    Zero Ammonia and 0.25 Nitrite last night, clear this morning, almost there...
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    same here
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    What Do You Think I Should Add To Make My Tank Look Better?

    Asking a question like this isn't a great idea unless you are ready for people to critisize. Everyone has a different taste and opinion of what they like. Personally i don't like heaters and filters in the tank, it really takes away from the whole look for me. I would add more plants along...
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    New Tank, New Fishless Cycle!

    Yes i've been testing every 12 hours (just for ammonia & nitrite). I'm hoping for double zero's tonight, then tomorrow i will begin day 1 of the qualifying week. Very exciting, my fingers are crossed!!
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    Juwel 3D Backgrounds

    I will post pics when i've got it :) Good luck with yours too.
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    New Tank, New Fishless Cycle!

    Double zero's again, hoping that my qualifying week will begin tomorrow :hyper:
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    Sand Vs. Gravel

    I've just used sand for the first time in my new aquarium and i love it already!! I love the way it naturally ripples and moves, beautiful.
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    Gvilleguy's Diy Moonlight Led Project

    Beautiful!! I wouldn't attempt this but that was a great read, well done :good: It's gonna be an LED strip for me. :blush:
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    Juwel 3D Backgrounds

    I've decided on 'stone' background in 'clay'. Just wondering, once this is attached and the tank is in use, how do you keep it clean? :blink:
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    Anyone Capable Of Making This For Me?

    Looks nice, although i HATE the kitchen cupboard handle on the lid!! Bleugh! Can't be of any use lol but good luck with it, the finished product looks nice :)
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    New Tropical Tank

    Welcome!! Looking good so far, i look forward to seeing more pics and hearing about your progress. Your test stuff looks cool :good:
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    New Tank, New Fishless Cycle!

    Last night the readings were zero :) Double zero's again this morning. I will see what happens tonight and if all is good, i will add 8ml of ammonia tomorrow morning which will amount to 4/5ppm. If that zero's after 12 hours, i will begin day 1 of the 'qualifying week'!!! I'm pleased with how...
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    My New Boy!

    Lovely fish, can't wait to get mine!! :) I'm pretty sure the females are smaller and much plainer in colour, silvery i think?
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    New Tank, New Fishless Cycle!

    I added 8ml of Ammonia yesterday morning, and in 12 hours Ammonia was 0.25, Nitrite was 0.5. This morning Ammonia and Nitrite were 0. I added 6ml of Ammonia, and will test again in 12 hours. Not quite there yet but almost... :)
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    Royal Plec L191

    Not 100% on that lol, always an excuse to upgrade!!
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    Ammonia Question

    perfect!! Waterdrop never fails to make things clear & simple :good:
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    Cobalt Blue, Is One Best For A Community?

    That's great thankyou :good: I'm guessing one male of another species would be a bad idea? A chocolate for example? :shifty:
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    Royal Plec L191

    Hiya, Are these ok for a community with cories? I know the grow large but i will rehome when it's time. I adore them and just have to have them. Is it bogwood in particular they need? i have mopani but will change is required. Any other tips or info appreciated.
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    Cobalt Blue, Is One Best For A Community?

    Hiya, I love cobalt blue dwarf gouramis, which number would be best in a community tank? I'm not keen on the fames and would prefer only males, but i know they can be aggressive, would a single male be ok on his own?
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    My Stocking Ideas

    I took a trip to Maidenhead Aquatics for the 1st time ever today! Was mega impressed and think i'm decided now :) * Guppies: 12 (4 male, 8 female) * Platies: 12 (4 male, 8 female) * Corydoras Sterbei: 6 * Emerald Corydoras: 6 * Blue Cobalt Dwarf Gouramis: 3/4. The shop didn't have any females...
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    New Tank, New Fishless Cycle!

    Day 3 of double zero readings!! I've dosed the ammonia higher today, adding 8ml which will bring it to 4ppm. I'll test in 12 hours and see what the results are. Think i'm pretty much decided on the fish i'm going to buy, currently saving for the juwel stone background. Need to do that before...
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    Bristlenose & Banjo

    Thanks that's great.
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    New Tank, New Fishless Cycle!

    Ok, sorted. I will dose ammonia back up to 4/5ppm tomorrow morning and see where it stands after 12 and 24 hours.
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    New Tank, New Fishless Cycle!

    Double zeros after 12 hours (last night), and double zeros again this morning :hyper: Am i right in saying that an 100% water change must be carried out, or is that just for removing high levels of nitrate? What if my nitrate is very low?
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    Bristlenose & Banjo

    Anyone? :blush:
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    Doodleing Fishless Cycle

    What is your pH doing?
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    Juwel Rio 125 Light Issue

    try Warehouse Aquatics
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    My Stocking Ideas

    Thanks. I think i'll go for male only guppies, and a mix of platies at the ratio of 1 male to 3 females. Gouramis i'll stick to the dwarfs, are all males ok, or do you need females? I'll go for 1 bristlenose, continue research into the Banjo. Rams i won't bother with. Almost sorted :)
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    Will This Tank Ever Cycle?

    29oC is the recommended temp for a fishless cycle :)
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    My Juwel Rio 240

    Loving the lights but it is kinda small. You have REALLY have upgraded, bet you're mega excited!! I had a 65l, now have a Juwel Vision 180 and am LOVING the space, it looks so much better :) I would have went for the 240 but i live upstairs and worry about the weight on the floor!! Looking...
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    My Stocking Ideas

    Thanks for the further input :) Ok, no fighter and no angels. I will be happy with: Platies Guppies Gouramis (dwarf and one other) Corydoras Sterbei (6) Green or Bronze Corydoras (6) Bristlenose Catfish Banjo Catfish Bolivian Rams (3) Can someone tell me what number i'd be looking at for...