Why Do Pleco S Need Bogwood


Fish Addict
Apr 11, 2011
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Hi ,could someone tell me why plecos need bogwood in their tank ,and would corries benefit from it as well?
It's not all plecs, but some of them need a substance called 'lignin' that is found in bogwood in their diet to enable them to be able to digest their food properly.
Thanks Fluttermoth,that`s really interesting,does the pitbull plec ,and the corries need this substance ,and how does it effect them if they don`t have it?
The cories don't need lignin; I'm not sure about the pitbull plec; probably best to put some in for it just in case.

If they don't have the lignin, they can't digest their food properly and will basically die of starvation, however much you feed them.
Mopani wood is too hard, it does need to be bogwood.
PlanetCatfish says:

Mainly vegetarian. It will make gravel roll between its lips to remove organic matters. It accepts vegetables, or commercially prepared food such as Spirulina tabs. It will eat, once in a while, animal protein such as bloodworm but this should not be the bulk of the main diet.

Wood is not required. However, I have found most plecos like wood. If not to eat, then to sit on of hide under etc. Since the wood will normally have algae on it, vegetarian plecos will often graze on it and look like they are eating the wood.
Are pitbull plecos vegetarium then ,and does this mean they don`t need bogwood to digest their food?
Hi ,have just read that bogwood stains the water ,is this true?
I have a mix of old and new bogwood and you can clealrly see where they have muched the older wood. They have even had bits off the mopani.
That probably explains why they poop every time they move!

Bogwood stains the water but it depends on the size of the wood relative to the tank, whether it has been pre-soaked or whether it has been used before.

New or old, soak it in boiling water for 24hrs or carefully pour boiling water over it to get rid of any bugs.
Dont kep boiling it as it will continue to release tannins as you are 'opening' the wood up.
Keep it soaked in cold water before going into tank.
maisy- The quote in my post above was specific to your pitbull.

The Panaque, Cochliodon, and Panaqolus are the wood eating plecos.
Thankseveryone,Bigbadbarry,pets at home ,who sold it me, said keep it soaked for a couple of weeks otherwise it`ll stain the water ,also found some sort of dead wasp in it,is this common advice?
I have now prepped and used three large pieces of bogwood for my tank and I found many different critters meet their demise and end up floating on the surface of my prep bucket. Many pieces you buy from shops have been pre-soaked, but I always soak them for a 3-4 days in tap water, I then drain it and give it another 3-4 day soak in water from the tank that I removed from the last water change (that way it isn't going straight from water with chlorine in to my tank). Not once have I ever had to weigh down the wood (as some people mention) or have it release tannins into the water. I still have a crystal clear tank and all my fish love having the wood in there to investigate, in particular my shrimp, corys and khuli loaches.
Hi ,have just read that bogwood stains the water ,is this true?

some more than others. but a good scrub in very hot water will do. it will still leach colour. but its good for your fish (very good for inverts), does not last forever and can be removed by adding , either a separate small filter with, or adding some carbon to your existing filter.

i would avoid boiling as this is a form of cooking. this will break down the fibre bonds. and increase the degeneration of the wood. which is, of course, why we cook or food in the first place.

some plecos don't need wood, but benefit from it. commons for instance are omnivores. but they retain the long gut of a herbivore. rasping on the wood gives bulk to their diet. its similar to the way fibre effect us. but many fish benefit from eating the Bio film all mature tanks have. and it grows on wood too.

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