L_Plates - Fishless Cycle Log - Complete

Day 39, 11th May 2011 - 07:00: Ammonia: 0ppm, Nitrite: 0
Day 39, 11th May 2011 - 19:00: Redosed ammonia to 4ppm
Day 40, 12th May 2011 - 07:00: Ammonia: 0ppm, Nitrite: 0
Day 40, 12th May 2011 - 19:00: Redosed ammonia to 4ppm

This will be my last dosing as its fish on Saturday. Cycle Complete :)

Plants arrived today so tonight ill get them in the tank. Photos asap :)
Hey well done L_Plates, you started 5 days after me and finished already!

Do you know what you are going to stock?

Hope you enjoy choosing your fish, make sure you post some photos when they are settled.
Thanks everyone, cant wait for Saturday !!

Kate i am looking into the following stock:

12 - 14 Harlequin Rasboras (or similar)

6 Corydoras Sterbais (Maybe Peppered)

4 Bolivian Rams (2 male 2 female)

12 Tiger Barbs or 12 five banded barbs

4 Hillstream Loaches (Sewellia lineolata)

2 - 4 Assassin Snails (worried about gravel)

Just finished setting up the DIY Yeast Co2 and planting. I am looking at the right hand side being the planted area and having the right hand side open for the fish to dart about. The plants on the right are just spare at the moment.

Plants Used
Java Moss
Sagittaria subulata
Bacopa australis
Eleocharis parvula
Echinodorus bleheri
Java Fern

I am looking into having a larger red plant at the back left to break up the green so i have left space there for this at a later date.

Images and video below :) On the video you will see how i managed to diffuse the co2 into the water.




Oops forgot to ask, i am looking for a powerhead for this tank but im unsure what size / model i should go for. Any recommendations ?

i had one in mine for a while, i t was quite noisey :/ ditched it in the end. cant recall what make/model it was though.
I need one to push the co2 around a little more. As you can see in the video, http://youtu.be/xNDWCmWQvZc it get thrown around but i need to get it around the tank a little more.

Last thing i want though is to add an oversized one and stress the fish.

I use Hydor Koralia powerheads. They create a bit wider stream of flow and I like to try and get a smaller size than I initially think I might need. In my opinion it is nice to put a powerhead on a lamp timer just like your lights because then you can give the fish a quiet night/morning (or whatever you choose) period, especially surrounding the feeding time. If you get some overall hum (any powerhead magnetically attached to the tank wall will create some overall hum that can be detected) and the tank is in a bedroom or something then the lamp timer gives you control over that too.

ps. Congrats on first stocking coming up (tomorrow?) I hope all goes well - it can be very exciting and rewarding. Remember, fish often need time to settle in and feel comfortable. Eventually they will gain more color and establish their longer term habits. Keep logging stats and observations in your aquarium notebook. Over the years it is very easy to forget the dates when you got fish or lost fish. It is easy to forget when you got equipment or thoughts you had from visits to various stores and your notebook can fix all that. Having long term trend data on your nitrate and pH can be helpful for many things in the long run too I think. Fuss with your tank a little on every weekend you can - it will keep it looking great and make you happier!
Cheers WD, i looked at the Koralia powerheads earlier but no LFS around here stock them :(

Have you any experience with SEIO Powerheads ?

Really looking forward to tomorrow oh and fiddling im good at never seem to leave the tanks alone !

I will definately keep recording my data as i agree its good to be able to look back and try to see what has happend in the past.

Changed my setup a little with the Co2. I needed a powerhead as mentioned before in the thread to help with flow. So i decided to feed the co2 directly into the powerhead and it works great. Video below.

Co2 Going through an SEIO M250 Powerhead

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