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  1. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    Electrical power is not transmitted via wires.
  2. Oblio

    What are these fish called and how to take good care of them
  3. Oblio

    What are these fish called and how to take good care of them

    Read this, in particular Fish-in Cycling
  4. Oblio

    Faded neons

    Mood chart
  5. Oblio

    What are these fish called and how to take good care of them

    Also, you will need a water test kit, API Freshwater Master kit is good. Find your water hardness online from your water provider and post values for GH and KH along with units.
  6. Oblio

    What are these fish called and how to take good care of them

    Welcome to TFF! Bigger tank! ASAP Change water daily, 80%, conditioned. Feed very sparingly until you get a new tank, vacuum uneaten food and poop with a turkey baster daily. Do you have a filter?, airstone and pump?, anything to at least circulate the water to oxygenate?
  7. Oblio

    Cories dying again

    This would help greatly - Many here are trying to help, but need data to determine the root cause. In addition, you need an API Master Test Kit. Or at least a kit that tests for ammonia.
  8. 1657984696776.png


  9. Oblio

    Did I just harm my fish more by trying to help?

    If you have a HOB or canister filter, put a pre-filter on the intake. Clean this each WC (if necessary) and you rarely need to clean the internal sponge filter.
  10. Oblio

    Can I be filled in on filters?

    Media is the stuff that is in the filter housing that the water flows through. They are used to perform different functions: Mechanical filters out gunk, biological houses bacteria, and chemical removes medication or alters tank chemistry. Examples (with function) Sponge - Mechanical...
  11. Oblio

    Cories dying again

    I would begin by reducing nitrates by more frequent and/or larger water changes. That may not be the root cause of the mortality, but it doesn't help to have 20 ppm nitrate.
  12. Oblio

    Not an emergency, just looking for anything more expert members might notice

    Clearly with 1/4 OD tubing in the above installation, an icemaker installation kit would work.
  13. Oblio

    Not an emergency, just looking for anything more expert members might notice

    That makes sense. Depending on the flow rate, the small ice line may drop too much pressure. A dishwasher line would work, but that would require a bit more plumbing.
  14. Oblio

    Not an emergency, just looking for anything more expert members might notice

    If you are a little more adventurous, get an icemaker tap so you won't tie up a faucet. I assume the inlet flow rate on an RO system is low and an icemaker line can handle it.
  15. Oblio

    Unique stuff

    IIRC this was from the ruins from one of the more ancient buildings, so it has been part of many things. Prince Charles has been a frequent visitor of Vatopedi
  16. Oblio

    Unique stuff

    I have a hand forged nail, given to me by a monk at the Vatopaedi monastery on Mt. Athos. This is the Eastern Christian version of having a nail from the Vatican.
  17. Oblio

    Threadjacking Policy

    BTW, if you want to back link to the original thread post that spawned the new thread, copy the link at the post number. My first post in this thread
  18. Oblio

    Threadjacking Policy

    I side track my own IRL conversations so I can see this happening on-thread, drives my wife crazy. I presume that if there is a potential interesting side-topic related to the OP, a BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front) synopsis could be given with a link to the spawned thread in the appropriate...
  19. Oblio

    Threadjacking Policy

    Roger that, WILCO, and guilty as charged. I am, by definition, Pointless :) 💡 Personally I think this is being done to drive up the thread count metrics. :D
  20. Oblio

    Can dogs be vegetarian (split from thread "Feeding cichlids and other fish meat")

    Tis true. With the caveat that if they don't eat meat, it has nothing to do with the faith. They just may not like it, or (today) can't afford it.
  21. Oblio

    Can dogs be vegetarian (split from thread "Feeding cichlids and other fish meat")

    Judaism. Christians eat all types of meat, except during prescribed fasting periods, where they only eat fish without backbones (e.g. shellfish) and on certain feast days during a fast (e.g. Palm Sunday) fish.
  22. Oblio

    connorlindeman - July Tank of the Month Winner (17-30 Gal)

    Congrats, great tank! I love the Neons. They flash me back to childhood just like the smell of a new box of crayons, Ivory soap, or finger lickin' good paste glue. I wish I could keep them alive :(
  23. Oblio

    Peroxide dipping plants, does it kill off bad diseases?

    Pure Peroxide is quite reactive. The stuff you buy at the store is already very diluted (similar to acetic acid, or ammonia) This is not to say that household peroxide should be used full strength re: OP, but that 'full strength' is already quite diluted.
  24. Oblio

    Just Installed First HOB-Filter - How Can I Stop This Noise? (Aqua One Clear View 600 Hang On Filter)

    Now that I look at the disassembly video, the shaft does not rotate but is in fact the inner bearing surface. I would pull the impellor out and see if the shaft can be inserted into the bottom. Be careful not to leverage the shaft sideways after insertion as this will deform or crack the lower...
  25. Oblio

    Just Installed First HOB-Filter - How Can I Stop This Noise? (Aqua One Clear View 600 Hang On Filter)

    You should be able to seat the bottom part of the shaft and use your fingers as a bearing on the top to test lower bearing seating. Lubricate fingers with water or a bit of vaseline.
  26. Oblio

    Just Installed First HOB-Filter - How Can I Stop This Noise? (Aqua One Clear View 600 Hang On Filter)

    Agree w/Colin. The impellor shaft need bearing surfaces on both ends of the shaft, though I'm not sure how it could be assembled without the top portion fitting in the bearing race. The impellor assembly may be fine and the noise id from elsewhere.
  27. Oblio

    Unique stuff

    I have a first edition of The Joy of Cooking I also have several glass Aunt Jemima figurine bottles.
  28. Oblio

    A distillery is fighting invasive crabs by turning them into whiskey

    But shrimp. crayfish, etc are also small. Or is it the shell/meat ratio. BTW, one of the best shrimp I've ever had is Rock Shrimp, in the Cocoa Bch/Titusville Fla area.
  29. Oblio

    A distillery is fighting invasive crabs by turning them into whiskey

    Can they be eaten? ISTM when there is too much of something edible, the choice is obvious.
  30. Oblio

    How’s the weather?

    Middle GA summer weather - nuff' said
  31. Oblio

    History on the point of a spade

    When I was young, we used to routinely find arrowheads in the woods behind our suburban home. This being West St. Louis County, I assume they were Mound Builder artifacts.
  32. Oblio

    Talc-Free Baby Powder Got in tank.

    Ingredient list?
  33. Oblio

    Thanks for nothing Petco!

  34. Oblio

    Thanks for nothing Petco!

    Nope - 8.55 lbs/gal
  35. Oblio

    Thinking of a rack...

    OK, thanks - As you might expect/understand, I'm hesitant to accept numbers thrown out without back-up data on internet forums. Since you have practical experience with the V design and materials, that works for me :)
  36. Oblio

    Thinking of a rack...

    Agree, it's your house, but I hate to break it to you, but that house is designed and built the same way. Engineered to be reliable, safe, and using materials that are the least expensive (and often lightest) to do the job. You can overkill, use e.g. 1/2" glass on a 10 gal aquarium, but you...
  37. Oblio

    The filter gunk moves. Help@

    Don't want to link to an off-site forum, but there is a aquarium co-op thread that discusses Seed Shrimp and potential predators to control.
  38. Oblio

    The filter gunk moves. Help@

    You need to upload a video to another site (e.g. Youtube) and link to it.
  39. Oblio

    Plants covered in algae

    I can empathize
  40. Oblio

    Thinking of a rack...

    That doesn't mean it is a good design. And what does it weigh, and how much will it cost? Why not design it right from a statics point of view, with materials that are easy to obtain and work with? Remember, the OP is considering either OTS, or DIY. There is a reason we don't build airplanes...