Unique stuff

My house is full of uncommon objects, dating back to my great grandparents. There are a lot of things that were everyday tech that are weird relics now.

I have an empty bottle on a shelf by my seat here - it is from the 1920s and was a sleep aid for children. The ingredients listed are sugar, alcohol and opiates. They say it worked. It reminds me to always check and research ingredients.

It might start a deabte ;-)
My Pastor when I was a kid said the world was a few thousand years old and that all fossils were made and planted by the devil. I don't think you can debate that anymore, out in the big wide world. Have no fear.
My Pastor when I was a kid said the world was a few thousand years old and that all fossils were made and planted by the devil. I don't think you can debate that anymore, out in the big wide world. Have no fear.
Thats a new one lol. Fossils were not planted by the devil. There is science to back up why the world is only almost 6000 years old and what caused fossils that we see today. Unfortunately we cant talk about it here ☹️
I have an empty bottle on a shelf by my seat here - it is from the 1920s and was a sleep aid for children. The ingredients listed are sugar, alcohol and opiates. They say it worked. It reminds me to always check and research ingredients.
Wow. reminds me of how when they first gained the ability to give x rays, we used them for EVERYTHING. They even used to use them at shoe stores to see if the shoes fit well.
Wow. reminds me of how when they first gained the ability to give x rays, we used them for EVERYTHING. They even used to use them at shoe stores to see if the shoes fit well.
My father died of a cancer rare unless you were an older x-ray technician. He worked at a factory where they'd wheel in x-ray equipment and do unprotected x-rays of the product, huge steel structures you could drive a car through. I was present for one of those x-rays, and was cautiously as far away as I could be, but my father was there for quite a few, sadly. A lot of scary things were done back then.

I have a wooden "tape measure", a hinged ruler that extends to a good length, from the 1920s. Now, @connorlindeman , if I were you I'd probably say I had a dinosaur, King Tut's sarcophagus and maybe the holy grail, but no. The funny thing is that most of the 'unique' objects here were mass produced in their day - their uniqueness is whether anyone bothered to keep them.
My father died of a cancer rare unless you were an older x-ray technician. He worked at a factory where they'd wheel in x-ray equipment and do unprotected x-rays of the product, huge steel structures you could drive a car through. I was present for one of those x-rays, and was cautiously as far away as I could be, but my father was there for quite a few, sadly. A lot of scary things were done back then.

I have a wooden "tape measure", a hinged ruler that extends to a good length, from the 1920s. Now, @connorlindeman , if I were you I'd probably say I had a dinosaur, King Tut's sarcophagus and maybe the holy grail, but no. The funny thing is that most of the 'unique' objects here were mass produced in their day - their uniqueness is whether anyone bothered to keep them.
What do you mean? I have the Museum of natural history in my Basement!

Seriously though, that is very true. The same thing with old cars. Mass-produced, but only the ones that were truly taken care and loved are still around today.
I have an empty bottle on a shelf by my seat here - it is from the 1920s and was a sleep aid for children. The ingredients listed are sugar, alcohol and opiates. They say it worked. It reminds me to always check and research ingredients.
I reckon those ingredients would make most people sleep. A little bit of sugar to get rid of the opioid taste and and you have one sleepy drug addicted kid with a bad liver. :)

My friend used to stick his finger in his beer and let his baby suck on that before bed. He tried it with a couple of his other kids and they spat it out in his face. :)
I have a dolphin tooth... But it's a dolphin from hell... Imagine if a shark, pleiasaur, and dolphin all had a kid. That's what that thing looked like... The tooth has to be around 33-56mil years old
Nice. Squalodon?
I used to be sword, knife and dagger collector. Most of it have moved to a new owner. But I've kept some. One of my unique swords is one that's got a wooden grip and a wooden scabbard. The grip is carved as the head of a cobra. I've got this sword about 30 years now...
This handmade sword originates from Indonesia. The top of the scabbard looks a bit like that of an indonesian kris (keris). A kris is a traditional kind of dagger with its origin on the island of Java. But mine is just a sword and no kris. The blade of the sword already tells that.
I also love samurai swords. Especially when they're handcrafted.
This sword is one of the few that I just couldn't part from.
I used to be sword, knife and dagger collector. Most of it have moved to a new owner. But I've kept some. One of my unique swords is one that's got a wooden grip and a wooden scabbard. The grip is carved as the head of a cobra. I've got this sword about 30 years now...
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This handmade sword originates from Indonesia. The top of the scabbard looks a bit like that of a indonesian kris (keris). A kris is a traditional kind of dagger with its origin on the island of Java. But mine is just a sword and no kris. The blade of the sword already tells that.
I also love samurai swords. Especially when they're handcrafted.
This sword is one of the few that I just couldn't part from.
I have a small sword my mom got when she was in Saudi. She passed it down to me.
Nice collection!
I have a hand forged nail, given to me by a monk at the Vatopaedi monastery on Mt. Athos. This is the Eastern Christian version of having a nail from the Vatican.
That's really cool! I have a hand forged nail from a blacksmith that taught about old settlements in the U.S.
Not as unique I suppose but it's cool

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