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  1. Oblio

    Betta Still Acting Off

    It appears your tank is not cycled, frequent large water changes are your friend, do not clean your filter.
  2. Oblio

    Betta Still Acting Off

    Continue daily WCs until ammonia/nitrite are both at zero. Reduce feeding amount, you can even skip a day, 2 on, 1 off. What are your other parameters?
  3. Oblio

    Betta Still Acting Off

    I believe that newly treated tap water with chloramine will give false ammonia readings. If you have treated water, you will reduce the levels by the amount of water changed. Check today.
  4. Oblio

    Centerpiece/Divider Tank

    I'm toying with the idea of a tank for a centerpiece or divider in a room rather than against a wall. What is the best tank setup to both hide equipment and allow views from around the tank without the clutter of HOB etc? Has anyone here set up a tank in this way?
  5. Oblio

    Random Discussion

    I put it in a bag and back in freezer as trash came earlier today and I don't want 3 packages of fish food fermenting in the garbage for a week,
  6. Oblio

    Random Discussion

    My beer fridge came unplugged. Luckily there was no beer in it. Sadly, the frozen fish food was thawed and cool. Do I need to pitch it?
  7. Oblio

    Betta Still Acting Off

    20% won't do much. Do an 75-80% change, vacuum the substrate and repeat each day until levels (check before change) are at zero.
  8. Oblio

    Top came off of thermometer and snail died

    And most cheap thermometers use alcohol for the fluid, likely not toxic at the concentrations experienced if broken.
  9. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    We CAN be obtuse, but we design cool stuff. It's all that cipherin' we did in college that damaged our comunikatin' brain cells, yeah, that's my story :rofl:
  10. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    I Am Not A Moderator but it is fun, and a fact. But we may need to know, so there is that Referencing the Thread Title: Fun Facts We Didn't Need to Know
  11. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    Hint: Start with IANAL
  12. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    IANAM but it is fun, and a fact. But we may need to know, so there is that :)
  13. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    Avoid the vanilla treats at Buc-ees For those unfamiliar (Southern US)
  14. Oblio

    Funny/good moments in fishkeeping

    When my Buenos Aries Tetras juggle Hikari sinking wafers, or drive around the tank looking like a fishing lure with the wafer spoon looking thing attached to their mouth.
  15. Oblio

    Suggestions, please.

    Mo' Cory
  16. Oblio

    English Slang

    I love it when Swamp People has subtitles.
  17. Oblio

    English Slang

    This sounds like a comic strip where each party howls after the other departs from the scene.
  18. Oblio

    Siphon clips or hose clamps

    You can also put a T to divert flow sideways to reduce downward flow if necessary.
  19. Oblio

    Where does one find a TDS blending valve or metering valve ?

    You could use a hose Y splitter hooked up in reverse from normal use. The problem is that flow rate is dependent on pressure so the higher pressure input will result in more flow, or backflow. You could feed each input via a separate header tank to mitigate this problem. You will have to...
  20. Oblio

    Random Discussion

    To keep me sane whilst being a WFH engineering manager and father of teenagers, aside from fish, I'm growing a few herbs and veggies in planters. I have a plethora of jalapeños and banana peppers so tonight I make refrigerator banana pickles.
  21. Oblio

    What fish would you like to eventually keep?

    Neon tetras Kept them as a kid and their colors/shape/size stimulate the reptilian memory cells like eating paste, smelling ivory soap and crayolas.
  22. Oblio

    whats the purpose of the "code" option?

    Add keyword coloring? I know discord does this
  23. Oblio

    Taking a poll

    Take the Schrödinger option
  24. Oblio

    Dodged a bullet. Need heater recommendation!

    I like my Inkbird controller ITC-306A. It has dual temp probes for cross check and dual output relays for redundancy. There are cheaper models without Wifi. And you set without your phone.
  25. Oblio


    And BBQ!
  26. Oblio

    An odd but pleasing project

    Is the water level above or below the top of the divider?
  27. Oblio

    Is this corydora healthy?

    With scientific names there is no (less?) ambiguity across regions and cultures. Even more important given the number of Cory species. From wiki (only because it was easy) There are currently 161 recognized extant species in this genus, as well as one known extinct species:
  28. Oblio

    Whats the most disturbing thing you've seen a fish do.

    Winking Corys are creepy and cute
  29. Oblio

    Pronunciation of the word "Fuplie"

    I thought it was WA speak mate.
  30. Oblio

    Simple Refugium

    Interesting, I may try this to get my feet wet before creating a sump. Make sure the water volume in refugium tank is less that the above water volume in the main tank. If you loose siphon, the entire refugium will empty into the main tank.
  31. Oblio

    What's wrong with my fish?

    Not really up on fish pathology, others (such as @Colin_T et. al.) are and can advise.
  32. Oblio

    What's wrong with my fish?

    Assuming your tap is at zero, that means your tank had a pretty high nitrate level. Up your water change frequency and amount, 20 ppm is a bit high. Try to keep it at ~10 ppm max. Less than 10 ppm is even better.
  33. Oblio

    What's wrong with my fish?

    Hmmm, params seem 'normal'. though a large WC to lower nitrates will reduce stress and promote healing. How often do you do WCs and how much? Do you vacuum the gravel?
  34. Oblio

    How’s the weather?

    GMAFB! I hate the nanny state! If you can deal with the heat, visit, if not, stay home. Heaven help us if there is a WWIII, the US ain't gonna help.
  35. Oblio

    What's wrong with my fish?

    Welcome to TFF! Need w your water parameters (ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/pH and GH/KH along with units)
  36. Oblio

    Tank cleaning

    Hard to say - No real reviews jumped out out me, it does seem to be a Chinese import Co, not that that is necessarily bad but ...
  37. Oblio

    How’s the weather?

    We need to run a heat exchanger between the Southern US and your place.
  38. Oblio

    Python vs cheaper brand gravel vacuum.

    If you can afford it, you may need that extra hose at a later time, and your Python will still be with you. Within reason, more hose is better. Also, flow rate (and suction) is proportional to the ID of the hose.
  39. Oblio

    Ideas for internal sump design

    Interesting, so this is an integrated sump? I have not seen one before, but I am new to sumps.
  40. Oblio

    Python vs cheaper brand gravel vacuum.

    I've only used a Python and can recommend it. The big cost of these is the hose. Speculating, but the Python hose my be more pliable, larger ID, less danger of toxic chemical leeching.