Pronunciation of the word "Fuplie"


Kinda crazy, but somehow they let me stay
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 25, 2021
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So most of us on the forum know that one of the members (@JuiceBox52 I believe) came up with this "curse" word when mis-pronouncing the word "guppy" (please correct me if I'm wrong).

But then one day I thought.... "How in fuplie name do you pronounce fuplie in real life"
I always say it like "few-plee" but it could also be said like "fuh-plee" or "fuh-plie"

Sorry for the weird spelling... Im just trying to spell pronunciations cause you cant hear me exactly 😅

I need fupling (is that how'd you spell that) answers!!
I thought it was your phone which autocorrected guppy to fuplie? If it was that it should be pronounced like guppy.

My son has an explanation as to why guppy was autocorrected to fuplie.
g is next to f on a keyboard so you could have hit the wrong letter
u is still u
The first p is still p
p is next to l in a keyboard so you might have hit the wrong letter
y and ie are the same sound so maybe you used the wrong one in your unrecognised word.
I thought it was your phone which autocorrected guppy to fuplie? If it was that it should be pronounced like guppy.

My son has an explanation as to why guppy was autocorrected to fuplie.
g is next to f on a keyboard so you could have hit the wrong letter
u is still u
The first p is still p
p is next to l in a keyboard so you might have hit the wrong letter
y and ie are the same sound so maybe you used the wrong one in your unrecognised word.
That could make sense!! It was autocorrect, maybe I repeatedly typed it wrong, usually it corrected to guppy, but finally decided I typed it often enough that fuplie was a real word
Yes that is how I thought as well, it stemmed from a misspelling of "guppy"
I thought about that but just for myself it sounds better as: "few-plee" 🤣

But the creator of the word has spoken
guppy fuplie
guppy fupp lee
for fupp lee's sake, no more guppy fuplie typos

fuplie you coppa, I wasn't speeding
go fuplie yourself
get the fuplie out of here
what the fuplie you talking about Willis
ahh fuplie it
guppy fuplie
guppy fupp lee
for fupp lee's sake, no more guppy fuplie typos

fuplie you coppa, I wasn't speeding
go fuplie yourself
get the fuplie out of here
what the fuplie you talking about Willis
ahh fuplie it
Ok stop 🤣

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