Where does one find a TDS blending valve or metering valve ?


Fish Herder
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 30, 2021
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I want to setup a bit of a conceptual simple but painfully difficult to find part system where i have two pipes one with ro water and one with filtered water and i want several set of valves that can mix ro and filter water to get a target tds; my difficulty is finding the right kind of mixing valve that can mix the two types of water in some measure quantity or %. It seems like such a thing should exist and in my searching i now and then see reference to a mythical TDS bledning valve but never an actual stand-alone product.
You could use a hose Y splitter hooked up in reverse from normal use. The problem is that flow rate is dependent on pressure so the higher pressure input will result in more flow, or backflow. You could feed each input via a separate header tank to mitigate this problem. You will have to ensure that each header tank maintains the same level by adjusting the input to the tanks, and also make sure the output line from each tank is at the same level.
Well I would rather use something with a bit more precision. I think there are meter valves or precision valves that can set the flow on each line to some amount they can then join a Y for a proper mix. The actual pressure will be controlled via well pumps so the pressure should be the same for both lines - the trick is finding hte right kind of valve. Also in theory as mentioned in the subject there are mixing or blending valve but while I find reference ot them i've not been able to find any. To be more precise you can easily get a mixing valve - just take the one off the shower; though you would prefer this one not to be made out of metal else it will leach into the ro water; BUT the cheap ones don't really allow you to control the blend. There must be more precise ones for scientific usage - just finding the place that actually sell them.

This outfit has anything you can think of.
These aren't cheap. They come in brass and stainless steel for several size connections. These are from Water Anywhere.
You can also try https://jehmco.com
Look over their website. If they don't have what you want they can point you to whoever does and they have tons of stuff that isn't on the website.


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Would need to be pvc for ro water; brass will leach.

This outfit has anything you can think of.
When i did a search for metering or blending valve they don't seem to sell anything of that nature.
These aren't cheap. They come in brass and stainless steel for several size connections. These are from Water Anywhere.
You can also try https://jehmco.com
Look over their website. If they don't have what you want they can point you to whoever does and they have tons of stuff that isn't on the website.
I couldn't find anything on their website. BRS has this:
and there are these:

and similar (they have scales on their values for % open).

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