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  1. K

    horses anyone?

    Hiya, i have had a 16 year break from the saddle but have now decided to get back into it again, im looking to buy a 15.2hh gelding Cob, its pretty easy for me though as my hubby's family own a livery yard.
  2. K


    Sorry Miss cheese specialist, but you wasn't very clear on what you we're saying, When advising people about plecs i prefer to give descriptions, not "depends on what kind it was" that gives people no idea at all. I like to tell people to research before buying, it saves a load of problems in...
  3. K


    IMO common plecs really wouldn't be suitable for that size tank at all, they grow very quickly. Bristlenoses would be ok as they don't get much bigger than about 5 inches, though they need bogwood in the tank. Other plecs have different diets, some are veggie some are meat eaters, some are small...
  4. K

    Poorly Pond Fish

    My mother in law noticed yesterday that one of her goldfish has a hole in its side, what can she do? I haven't seen the fish my self not until later today anyways. Please help Oh i have a spare hospital tank she can use if thats any good.
  5. K

    mean but nice fish...

    im sorry but i disagree totally with what you are saying, thats nothing short of being sick :no:
  6. K


    Im sorry to say this, but Goodbye, i have never come across so many nasty people in a forum, 1 person inpeticular. I really thought that this would be nice forum but i don't think it is now.
  7. K

    FAO the cheese specialist

    TBH, and its not having a go, i do think that your tank is way overstocked, i have been reading your posts, and im not just sticking up for my friend. Its good that you have a good maintenance program, so should everybody that keeps fish, but that said, its wrong to to just assume that by doing...
  8. K

    FAO the cheese specialist

    it would appear so
  9. K

    FAO the cheese specialist

    i also feel its a good post for the less experienced. IMO i have to agree totally with Kribs mate, they are all valid points that have been made. Sorry.
  10. K

    FAO the cheese specialist

    Hiya sorry to just jump in, but its abit daft to go around saying that you go on parametres and how the fish look, but to somebody new to the hobbie might take that to heart and end up with 200 fish swimming in a 5ft tank, do you get what i mean. In all the years i have been keeping fish, i...
  11. K

    cold and tropicle together

    well in general, its never wise to mix the two, though i have heard of people who do.
  12. K

    Brackish water question

    Really? Thats cool. I heard from somwhere that only basic guppies, platy's and mollies we're brackish, but my friend want's some of the more unusual livebearers.
  13. K

    my 55 gallon

    great looking cichlids :D
  14. K

    Finding Nemo fishtank

    i agree totally. Though i loved the film, its had its repercussions.
  15. K

    Finding Nemo fishtank

    i think it gives children and non fishkeeping parents the wrong idea. I heard of a shop selling clowns as nemos :angry:
  16. K

    Fish suitable for hard water

    i would leave it another few days or so before ading any more fish, keeping an eye on your water stats. Swordtail's thrive with a ph like yours.
  17. K

    Fish suitable for hard water

    hmmmm your cycle has ended rather quickly, did you add any substrate, filter media or water etc from an olready matured tank?
  18. K

    Fish suitable for hard water

    hiya, the fish you have arn't hardy enough for a cycling tank, what re your water stats?
  19. K

    Brackish water question

    Hiya, thanks for the reply, is there any other type like say endlers or more unusual types???
  20. K

    Brackish water question

    I don't keep livebearers, but a friend of mine does and he wants to know what livebearers can be kept in brackish water?
  21. K

    Anyone tried TRIMARs mail order service?

    I have never personally used Trimar myself though i have heard from people who have, i have heard that they are very good, the fish healthy, well packaged, but have also heard from 3 people that all lost fish after 3 days too, so mixed advice, though i have bought fis from an lfs before and 3...
  22. K

    cycling tank

    i used 2 different testskits, the first time nitrate was picked up at 100mg/l i used the eSHa dipstick test and yesterday when testing i used nutrafin nitrate test kit, so obvious diference.
  23. K


    lol, i think we've already scared them off, eiblis :/
  24. K

    Whats your favorite fish

    I have 3 favourite, my orange plec, my kribs and my Jewels
  25. K


    Hiya, the trio is here :cool:
  26. K


    Thanks. This is a really cool site, just recommended it to another friend.
  27. K

    cycling tank

    Hi there, right, i added rocks and bogwood from a matured tank, and squeezed my filter sponges from 2 of my matured tanks in there too. I have never detected ammonia or nitrites, but nitrates have been detectable from about day 9, it was at 100mg/l and has now dropped in the last 2 days. I...
  28. K

    jewel chiclids

    My Jewels have been succesfully breeding now for the last 5 months, in that time i have 4 batches, my latest are now 4 weeks old and still swimming with theparents. Though after the first batch, the parents started eating them after 2 weeks, then a few days later bred again, so i removed that...
  29. K


    hiya my
  30. K

    cycling tank

    hi, thanx for replying. I want to use the tank for my jewel fry, will it be safe to put a few in at atime?
  31. K


    How are you all? :D
  32. K

    cycling tank

    I started cycling a 70ltr tank 13 days ago, i have done regular test on the tank and i've had no ammonia/nitrites though my nitrate is 50mg/l. I'm cycling with 5 danio's.