

New Member
Mar 9, 2004
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Sheffield UK
i have a 20 gallon tank, i bought a placo the other week and it died in the first day, so i thought i would buy another one the other day but once again it only lasted one day. i dont know why they are dying, in my tank i have 1 male betta, 2 female bettas, 2 female guppies, 3 neon ts, 3 zebra d 2 silver dollars. Will any of these fish have a effect on plecos? i need a fish to clean my tank but if my plecs are going to die i need another good algea eating fish any suggestions? thank you!

Yeah I agree, you'll need to test your paraeters. I'd be worried about your SDs. Don't they get massive?

What kind of plec had you bought? Common ones get to a foot and bigger and IMO would not be suitable for that tank. But it depends on what kind it was.

I don't think any of those fish will have done harm to the plec, the answer often lies in what the tanks parameters are. Also, is there salt in the tank?

IMO common plecs really wouldn't be suitable for that size tank at all, they grow very quickly. Bristlenoses would be ok as they don't get much bigger than about 5 inches, though they need bogwood in the tank. Other plecs have different diets, some are veggie some are meat eaters, some are small some get big, so i would research before buying.
Kribensis said:
IMO common plecs really wouldn't be suitable for that size tank at all, they grow very quickly. Bristlenoses would be ok as they don't get much bigger than about 5 inches, though they need bogwood in the tank. Other plecs have different diets, some are veggie some are meat eaters, some are small some get big, so i would research before buying.
Hence me saying that it depends on the type of plec. -_-
I used to have a small plec in my community tank but I found the tetras were out competing it for food. So there is another consideration for you, how tenashious (god knows the spelling) are your fish?
Stryker said:
I used to have a small plec in my community tank but I found the tetras were out competing it for food. So there is another consideration for you, how tenashious (god knows the spelling) are your fish?
The plec and tetras shouldn't really have been eating the same thing anyway. I feed mine plec tablets and although the others like a much on them the plecs can get to them no problem as I make sure to put them nearby. Also, I make sure I put one or 2 one end of the tank and let the other fish notice and then give some to the plecs on the sly.

like already said it totally depends on the type of plec.. a lot of plecs only grow to about 6 inches but there asr loads that will grow FAR too big for your tank.. also those silver dollars should NOT be in a little 20gallon :no:

i'd be a little worried if 2 had died on me. personally i would never add another fish to an aquarium that had recent mistery deaths either.. thats a good tip for you ;)
like the others have said - test your water paremeters first, if you don't have a test kit ask the lfs to test it for you.

If you REALLY want a plec try looking at bristlenoses or scribbled plecs - they're algae eaters and don't grow to a huge size. If you don't mind getting an omnivorous plec, try clowns or zebras (I don't think zebras grow to a stupidly large size - I might be wrong though). Try to get a plec that won't grow more than around 6-8 inches MAX otherwise it won't have much room in a 20G.

Don't attempt to add any more fish until the tank problem is sorted or you may very well have more deaths on your hands.
It could be that they were sick at the LFS :dunno: . If your water perameters turn out okay, then I would take your 2 Silver Dollars into a different LFS and trade them for a dwarf pleco. Honestly, that is the right thing to harm done though!!! I'm sure yours are still tiny and that's why you feel that they are okay in the tank you have them in!! ;) But please, either trade in the SDs or upgrade :-( ;) . They need more room than that, much more room, even as juveniles!! You could PM me if you'd like info on them that you may not already know!! :D :nod:

I don't want you to think that I was picking on you!!! :rolleyes: Because I'm not trying too :unsure: :S

But, yes.....first check your water, then I'd look at the LFS!!! :grr:

Cheese Specialist said:
Kribensis said:
IMO common plecs really wouldn't be suitable for that size tank at all, they grow very quickly. Bristlenoses would be ok as they don't get much bigger than about 5 inches, though they need bogwood in the tank. Other plecs have different diets, some are veggie some are meat eaters, some are small some get big, so i would research before buying.
Hence me saying that it depends on the type of plec. -_-
Sorry Miss cheese specialist, but you wasn't very clear on what you we're saying, When advising people about plecs i prefer to give descriptions, not "depends on what kind it was" that gives people no idea at all. I like to tell people to research before buying, it saves a load of problems in the end, thanks

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