FAO the cheese specialist

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kribs mate

Fish Fanatic
Mar 26, 2004
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Hi Miss Cheese Specialist.

I hope you dont mind me asking but everytime i look at your signiture and i see what is in yout tanks i cant believe my eyes.

Do you have problems with high nitrate at all? you must do waterchanges every day. Are you fish all adult? it seems very overstocked IMO.

just checking to see how you manage it ;)
i know i couldnt.
sorry..almost forgot.

how do your cory's get on in the cold tank?
kribs mate said:
Hi Miss Cheese Specialist.

I hope you dont mind me asking but everytime i look at your signiture and i see what is in yout tanks i cant believe my eyes.

Do you have problems with high nitrate at all? you must do waterchanges every day. Are you fish all adult? it seems very overstocked IMO.

just checking to see how you manage it ;)
i know i couldnt.
Might want to stay away from singling out CS in the future, can be grumpy sometimes :thumbs: :fun: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: joking with ya CS.

I dont think CS's tanks are really overstocked. Plus, CS is experienced and undertsands how to balance everything in her tank :nod:
i'm not doubting that.. i'm just rather curious :rolleyes:

regardles of experience it must be hard work. i know i would never stock that high
Don't mind at all, athough I'll be having a stern word with drob ;)

I put a topic about my tanks recently and I was worried that they were overstocked. The general consensus was that they are not too bad but I am still worried so I am going to be taking out the albino kribs and some other top fish and putting them into a bredding tank at the end of the month.

I only do a 20% water change weekly and nirtAtes are never over 10 in the biggest and coldwater tanks and are usually about 20 in the smaller, although I have taken a fish out of there now. I sometimes do a mid-week change in the coldwater. The fish are not all adults but a fair few are.

The cories are fine in the cold tank. Peppered cories are actually better suited to coldwater, they like 15-25C/59F-77F and my tank is 72F.

Hope this eases your mind! :lol:
i hope i'm wrong but i would think you could end up with some problems later on.

perhaps im too cautious. Good luck :)
kribs mate said:
i hope i'm wrong but i would think you could end up with some problems later on.

perhaps im too cautious. Good luck :)
I know that, but it'll be dealt with at the time if it happens.

I am looking togive a way the goldfish for a pond, I reckon and some of my toehr fish too that I got when I didn't really know what I wanted.

Thanks for your concern, the tanks seem to be ok for now and the fish have enough room. I don't go for inch per gallon, I go on parameters and how the fish look in the tank.

Are you worried about a fish in particular?
Hiya sorry to just jump in, but its abit daft to go around saying that you go on parametres and how the fish look, but to somebody new to the hobbie might take that to heart and end up with 200 fish swimming in a 5ft tank, do you get what i mean.

In all the years i have been keeping fish, i have always advised "newbies" to opt for the 1" of fish per gal (adult size), until there tanks are matured then and only then can you up that a little.

Once again sorry for jumping in
i agree the inch per gallon is nonsense but its a decent guide to quite a lot of fish.

ok. if you want an opinion. here goes.

the boesmani should really be in groups of at least 3 as the really need to be in shoals.

the 2 cardinals will become lunch for angels, im supprised they havent already. but i am possitive they will one day.

im also supprised the barbs need stocking higher number to reduce aggression and they are much better in groups

you could have problems with the angels too one day depending on the sexes.

2 Chromidotilapia finleyi arnt they a blackwater fish? -_-

why only the male krib?

all in all i would just say that this whole tank has a bad mix of fish stocked in the wrong numbers if i'm honest, its like you went into a sweet shop and said one of those ,one of those and one of those etc...

there are many fish that prefer different water condition too all thrown in together. they might all seem happy enough but i would bet they are not thrieving i'd say more surviving.

the cold tank is close to the limit with the 5 goldfish alone.
2 golden orfes are also far too big even on their own

also what do you use to keep the nitrate lower that your tap water? i know water in newcastle is 25..sometimes more. :S

sorry..you did ask what my concerns were -_-
Hi there Krib mate!!

Sorry, but I think this post is rather RUDE!!

I think that maybe you should have looked through her posts first or PMed her or something, but to just announce this so called "Topic" about your so called "concern" for her tank.......I really don't get why you did that!!

Pretty rediculous if you ask me!!

No one here deserves to have their tank picked at in a Topic like this

JMO :dunno:

well i didnt voice my opinion to start with. I asked the question and then i was asked my opinion. i dont see it as rude at all. An experience fish keeper surely would NOT mind ;)
i also feel its a good post for the less experienced. IMO i have to agree totally with Kribs mate, they are all valid points that have been made. Sorry.
Hmmm I am begining to agree with Silver...

the boesmani should really be in groups of at least 3 as the really need to be in shoals.

This fish came with the tank and is 2 years old, never having had others to shoal with.

the 2 cardinals will become lunch for angels, im supprised they havent already. but i am possitive they will one day.

Cardinals also came with the tank and are 2" long. Perhaps you are thinking of neons? They have also been house with the 2 larger angels for some time with the previous owner.

im also supprised the barbs need stocking higher number to reduce aggression and they are much better in groups

6 is a group and they do not show aggression to other fish, they were moved from the big tank for being aggressive to an angel but are not to any other fish.

you could have problems with the angels too one day depending on the sexes.

2 of the angels came with the tank, the other 2 I already had. They have been totally fine for the last couple of months.

2 Chromidotilapia finleyi arnt they a blackwater fish

Not to my knowledge. These fish were sent to me by accident in a mail order delivery along with the albino kribs and the blue limia. I did not have much time to find out about them but spoke to a very reputable dealer (Monty at Trimar) who assured me they would be fine in my tank and I have read nothing to indicate otherwise.

why only the male krib?

If you care to read my signature fully and properly, you will nitce that I do have a female also but she is too aggressive at the moment and the male is too small for her to like. Also, why should they always be in pairs?

all in all i would just say that this whole tank has a bad mix of fish stocked in the wrong numbers if i'm honest, its like you went into a sweet shop and said one of those ,one of those and one of those etc...

I think considering I do not think I have so much as posted in a topic of yours, you should consider how rude you are being. My fish get on perfectly well and I can see them interact, rather than you going on what you have read.

there are many fish that prefer different water condition too all thrown in together. they might all seem happy enough but i would bet they are not thrieving i'd say more surviving.

And you know this how? By reading my signature, and not even properly?

the cold tank is close to the limit with the 5 goldfish alone.
2 golden orfes are also far too big even on their own

Hense my mentioning that I am looking to re-home the goldfish into a pond. The golden orfes have a birth defect and will not reach full size and it is debateable whether they would survive in a pond.

also what do you use to keep the nitrate lower that your tap water? i know water in newcastle is 25..sometimes more.

You know the nitrAte level for the whoe city of Newcastle? I don't do anything to the water. That's just how it tests, are you implying that I am lying about the levels?

sorry..you did ask what my concerns were

I don't think you actually are sorry, if you were considerate in any way shape or form, you would have not only read my signature properly but would have worded your concerns better and perhaps not so publicly.

Please refer to this thread. Link
Many times in these very forums, I've seen how sometimes the experience does not match the text book.... who knows, maybe its just chance. End of the day the only person who can truely judge how the fish *are* doing as opposed to how you'd *think* they are doing is indeed miss cheese.

Notice I'm neither agreeing or disagreeing so leave my sig alone :lol:
Kribensis said:
i also feel its a good post for the less experienced. IMO i have to agree totally with Kribs mate, they are all valid points that have been made. Sorry.
Just noticed that kribensis is agreeing with kribs mate... are you the krib that the poster is a mate of?

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